BMore! SLA Poster Sessions

Call for Posters:

The Social Sciences & Humanities and Academic Divisions of the Special Libraries Association invite proposals for a poster session to be held during SLA’s annual conference in Baltimore, June 9-13, 2018.


The theme for the SLA 2018 conference is BMore! We welcome proposals addressing any aspect of this theme. How are you and your library being more innovative? More collaborative? More inclusive? Posters may present original research, case studies, or work in progress.


A prize will be awarded for the best poster, as judged by attendees.


Proposals should be submitted by April 16, 2018 using this form []. Please include a title and description of about 250 words. Proposals will be reviewed by the 2018 poster session committee for relevance to the theme and quality, and applicants will be notified of acceptance decisions by April 30, 2018.


The poster session will be a relaxed and informal time to share ideas with your colleagues and will be held on Tuesday, June 12, from 9-10 a.m. Poster presenters are expected to stay for the hour to answer questions and to network with attendees.


The 2018 poster session committee is Marilyn Bromley, Lateka Grays, and Tara Murray. Please send any questions to Tara at

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