Call for Presentations
The Pennsylvania State Data Center (PaSDC) is seeking presenters for the 2019 Pennsylvania Data User Conference. This year’s event will be held on May 9th at Penn State Harrisburg. The annual Data User Conference serves as Pennsylvania’s most comprehensive single-day forum for research and developments in demographic data.
The PaSDC Data User Conference seeks to educate its audience on the demographic and socioeconomic research and policies affecting Pennsylvania. Past presentations have focused on research themes (e.g. aging, prison populations, labor force, and rural Pennsylvania); community development (e.g. case studies and community planning); innovations in technology (e.g. database and data visualization software), and other data related topics.
Sessions at the Conference are non-commercial and vendor neutral. Under no circumstance should a session be a direct promotion of an organization’s product, service, or monetary self-interest. The emphasis should be on the application of the demographic/socioeconomic data, technology, and other data-related topics.
Submission Details – Team, individual, or panel proposals, which include the proposed topic and a brief description or outline, should be e-mailed to Jennifer Shultz ( by Tuesday February 26, 2019. All selected presentations will be published in conference publications and on the conference website. The PaSDC will notify all selected speakers by March 1, 2019.
Presentation Rules:
Presentation proposals will be reviewed by the conference planning committee and selections will be made based upon desired topics, flow of content, educational value, and understanding of the content. All selected content will be published in Conference publications and online.
Agenda Schedule – The conference organizers will set the day and time for each presentation, in order to optimize the sequencing and flow of content and tracks. Sessions will end by 4:00 pm on Conference Day.
Speaker Benefits:
The PaSDC does not pay fees or travel expenses to its speakers. All speakers will receive a complimentary Conference registration including meals. Speakers will be featured in the Conference publication and on the Conference website. The above benefits speaker(s); not support staff or colleagues who may accompany the speaker(s).
The PaSDC reserves the right to decline a submission for presentation at the 2019 Pennsylvania Data User Conference.
Jennifer Shultz
Data Services Manager
Pennsylvania State Data Center
777 West Harrisburg Pike
Middletown PA 17057