Tag Archives: discussion groups

2012 Midwinter LLAMA/NMRT New Leaders Discussion Group

Call for Discussion Starters

LLAMA/NMRT New Leaders Discussion Group invites the submission of proposals for “Discussion Starters” at its meeting at the 2012 ALA Midwinter Conference in Dallas, TX. A Discussion Starter is a short and informal presentation that aims to provide a starting point for lively conversations.

We look for enthusiastic Discussion Starters to share their experience (it could either be a positive experience or a lesson learned), helpful tips, and advice on the topics. A panel discussion format will be used for this part of the program. Each Discussion Starter will have 8 minutes to present their topic. We will then break into small groups (joined by Discussion Starters) for in-depth discussions of the topics and ideas raised. Dual-facilitators (one LLAMA member and one NMRT member) will facilitate discussions at each table.

At this year’s Midwinter conference, we are interested in topics focusing on “how professional organization involvement and/or leadership can enhance one’s day-today job”. We seek proposals for discussion starters that address this topic from a variety of angles, including (but not limited to):

  • how to get your organization to recognize that your involvement is worth the membership fees/time spent attending local or national conferences;
  • how librarians might translate experience on a committee to become a more innovative & effective employee;
  • what transferable skills can be gained in professional organization involvement, and  specific ways to apply them to the workplace;
  • how to make the most of your professional involvement;
  • how to get the most out of the conference;

Proposals are due by Nov 20, 2011. Notification of acceptance will be made by Dec 20. Please include the following information in your proposal:
1. Your name, title, institutional affiliation (or LIS program), mailing address, phone number, and email address.
2. The title and a 150 word (max) description of your discussion starter. The description should clearly identify the topic, your personal experience with this topic, and how it will generate interesting discussions among new and experienced librarians.

Keep in mind that there will be no use of technology for these presentations as they are meant to be informal in nature. Any information (notes, further reading, etc.) discussion starters would like to share can be posted to our ALA Connect community,http://connect.ala.org/node/150557.

The LLAMA/NMRT New Leaders Discussion Group is scheduled to meet on Sunday, January 22, from 10:30am-12pm.

Please submit proposal by email to Linda Crook (LLAMA/NMRT NLDG convener) at lcrook@wsu.edu by Nov 20, 2011.