Tag Archives: Fellowships

A. R. Zipf Fellowship in Information Management

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is soliciting applications for the A. R. Zipf Fellowship in Information Management for 2010.  The fellowship is awarded annually to a student currently enrolled in the early stages of graduate school who shows exceptional promise for leadership and technical achievement in information management.  The amount of the award is $10,000, and applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.  For applications and additional information, please go to www.clir.org/fellowships/zipf/zipf.html



A collaborative project of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and
Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Center invites applications for its RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS for 2010-2011 from scholars and teachers at all levels of the educational system, as well as from artists, community organizers and political activists, both local and international. Associates are provided with offices in our spacious facility, faculty library privileges, and the collegiality of a diverse community of feminists. Research Associate applications are accepted for either a semester or the academic year. The Center supports projects in all disciplines so long as they focus centrally on women or gender. Research Associateships are non-stipendiary. We accept about 15-18 Research Associates per year.

Applicants should submit a project proposal (up to 4 pages), curriculum vitae, two letters of reference, and on-line application cover form. Applications received by February 8 (including letters of recommendation) will receive full consideration. Submit all applications to: Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075-6406. Deadline is February 8, 2010. For further information, contact the Center at TEL 413.538.2275, FAX 413.538.3121, email fcwsrc@fivecolleges.edu, website: http://www.fivecolleges.edu/sites/fcwsrc

Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellowship at Indiana University

Call for 2010-11 Mellon Sawyer Fellowship – Rupture and Flow: The 
Circulation of Technoscientific Facts and Objects

Receipt deadline: March 1, 2010

The Sawyer Seminar and the Institute of Advanced Study at Indiana 
University will award one Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Postdoctoral 
Fellowships for a one-year appointment beginning July 1, 2010. The 
Fellow will receive a stipend of $40,000 per year, as well as health 
insurance and an allowance for relocation. This Sawyer Seminar is 
based in science and technology studies and focuses specifically on 
how facts and technologies circulate among diverse communities of 
producers and consumers, acquiring or losing credibility and utility 
as they move. We will explore questions including: How has the 
treatment of failure and errors changed the practice of science across 
disciplines and over time? How and why do cultural, social and 
material forces interrupt or thwart the circulation of 
technoscientific knowledge and objects, and with what consequences for 
what kinds of communities? How do social, cultural, political, and 
legal barriers influence technological change historically and 
geographically? How is the increasing use of lay-produced science 
shifting what is acknowledged and implemented in scientific practice 
and policy? Applicants for this postdoctoral fellowship must have 
research projects that speak to the concerns raised by the circulation 
of technoscientific knowledge and objects, and the possibilities and 
consequences of interrupting, reorienting, or preventing this 
circulation. Besides pursuing his or her own research, the fellowship 
recipient will play an active role in the intellectual life of the 
Sawyer Seminar by helping to organize an ongoing seminar series and 
four workshops. There will be no teaching responsibilities.

Selection Process

Each proposal will be evaluated by the conveners of the Sawyer 
Seminar, an interdisciplinary group of IU faculty. The primary 
evaluation criteria will be intellectual fit with the core ideas of 
the Seminar, and the promise of the proposed research project, 
including prospects for publication and significant advances in 
tangible research. We strongly recommend applicants read the full 
proposal, available at http://sawyer.indiana.edu before beginning 
their application. Applicants will be notified of fellowship decisions 
in May 2010.


Applicants should have completed the Ph.D. in STS, Sociology, 
Informatics, Geography, History, English, Anthropology, Philosophy, 
Comparative Literature, or other related fields no earlier than June 
30, 2005 and no later than August 1, 2010. We require proof that the 
fellow has received a Ph.D. degree before taking up residence. 
Applicants are welcome to send paper copies by mail or delivery to –

Ivona Hedin, Institute for Advanced Study,
Poplars 335, 400 E. 7th Street , Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

The application should include:

    * 1000-word research project proposal and one-page bibliography, 
in language appropriate for a multi- disciplinary panel. Please double- space and use 12-point type.
    * 250-word statement of the project’s potential contribution to 
Indiana University’s Sawyer seminar
    * Curriculum vitae
    * Three letters of recommendation

Fellowship recipients cannot currently hold a tenure-track position.

Indiana University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity 
employer. Scholars who are members of traditionally under-represented 
groups are encouraged to apply. There is no citizenship requirement or 
restriction for this fellowship. Non-U.S. nationals are welcome to 
apply. Employment eligibility verifications requested upon hire.

Donald A. B. Lindberg Fellowship

Applications for the Donald A. B. Lindberg Fellowship due November 15, 2009

The Medical Library Association (MLA) is now accepting applications for The Donald A. B. Lindberg Research Fellowship. The purpose of this fellowship is to fund research aimed at expanding the research knowledgebase, linking the information services provided by librarians to improved health care and advances in biomedical research. The endowment will provide a $9,945 grant, awarded by MLA through a competitive grant process, to a qualified health sciences librarian, informatician, health professional, researcher, educator, or health administrator.  Research in alignment with MLA’s research agenda’s top ranked research questions is preferred over other areas of research and is located at http://www.mlanet.org/research/agenda_2008.html.

An application and more information about the fellowship can be accessed at www.mlanet.org/awards/grants/ or by contacting Lisa C. Fried, MLA’s Credentialing, Professional Recognition and Career Coordinator at mlapd2@mlahq.org.

The awardee will be notified in late February 2010. 




Science Information Doctoral Fellowship

Apply for a Science Information Doctoral Fellowship – Be a Leader and an Innovator!


Are you interested in improving how scientists create, access, share and preserve data?  Do you want to understand how to facilitate the communication of science information between scientists, and across scientific networks including large multinational, multidisciplinary networks?  Are you interested in how  science information is presented and made accessible to decision-makers and the public? Do you want to be the one educating the next generation of science information professionals?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are a prime candidate for a University of Tennessee Science Information Doctoral Fellowship.   You should have a strong interest in  developing expertise in science information and communication . Your goals should be to become a  university faculty member teaching the next generation of science information and communication professionals.  You should already have earned a masters degree and  a background in either information/library science, communication, journalism, advertising/public relations and/or earth/environmental sciences.


These Fellowships are funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.


Date for application: Feb 1 2010


Contact: Suzie Allard, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Assistant Director

Email: sallard@utk.edu

Phone: 865.974.1369


Fellowship in Africana Studies

African and African American Studies and Africana Research Center
The Department of African & African American Studies and the 
Africana Research Center invite applications for a one-year 
postdoctoral fellowship in Africana Studies, African/African 
American or African Diaspora Studies, beginning Fall 2010.

During their residency, fellows have no teaching or administrative 
responsibilities. They will be matched with a mentor, attend 
professional development luncheons and other AAAS and ARC events, 
and be expected to be active in Penn State’s community of Africana 

Successful applicants should have completed their dissertation 
either before beginning the fellowship or within the previous four 
academic years.  Salary is competitive. Applicants should submit 
their applications online at www.arc.psu.edu <http:// www.arc.psu.edu/>  to ensure full consideration; complete 
applications must be received by November 16, 2009. For questions 
about the application process, please contact 

Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity 
and the diversity of its workforce.

The James P. Danky Fellowship

In honor of James P. Danky’s long service to print culture scholarship, the Center for the History of Print Culture in Modern America, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Historical Society, is offering an annual short-term research fellowship.

The Danky Fellowship provides $1000 in funds for one individual planning a trip to carry out research using the collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society (please see details of the collections at http://www.wisconsinhistory.org). Grant money may be used for travel to the WHS, costs of copying pertinent archival resources, and living expenses while pursuing research here. If in residence during the semester, the recipient will be expected to give a presentation as part of the colloquium series of the Center for the History of Print Culture in Modern America (http://slisweb.lis.wisc.edu/~printcul/).

Preference will be given to:
proposals undertaking research in print culture history
researchers from outside Madison
research likely to lead to publication
We strongly encourage applicants to speak with the Reference Archivist at the WHS (phone: 608-264-6460; email: askarchives@wisconsinhistory.org) before applying for a grant. We are happy to help identify potential collections of which you may not otherwise be aware.

There is no application form. Applicants must submit:

1) A cover sheet with name, telephone, permanent address and e-mail, current employer/affiliation, title of project, and proposed dates of residency.

2) A letter of two single-spaced pages maximum describing the project and its relation to specifically cited collections at the society and to previous work on the same theme, and describing the projected outcome of the work, including publication plans. If residents of the Madison area are applying, they must explain their financial need for the stipend.

3) Curriculum vitae.

4) Two confidential letters of reference. Graduate students must include their thesis advisor.

Applications are due by May 1st. The recipient will be notified by May 31st.

Please email applications to:

Christine Pawley Ph.D.
Director, Center for the History of Print Culture in Modern America
University of Wisconsin-Madison
4234 Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park St.
Madison, WI 53706



A collaborative project of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and
Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Center invites applications for its RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS for 2008-2009 from scholars and teachers at all levels of the educational system, as well as from artists, community organizers and political activists, both local and international. Associates are provided with offices in our spacious facility, library privileges, and the collegiality of a diverse community of feminists. Research Associate applications are accepted for either a semester or the academic year. The Center supports projects in all disciplines so long as they focus centrally on women or gender. Regular Research Associateships are non-stipendiary. We accept about 15-18 Research Associates per year.

Applicants should submit a project proposal (up to 4 pages), curriculum vitae, two letters of reference, and application cover sheet. Submit all applications to: Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075-6406. Deadline is February 11, 2008. For further information, contact the Center at TEL 413.538.2275, FAX 413.538.3121, email fcwsrc@fivecolleges.edu, website: http://www.fivecolleges.edu/sites/fcwsrc