by Leah Joann Pappas

Whoever came up with the idea to visit classes in order to recruit was a genius! All of that stress (not really) of visiting classes paid off, and this week I’ve had many responses! I’m set with more than enough participants to finish off my time here! What a relief too. I was really getting worried. So with some truly proficient participants, the testing continues!

My roommates continue to be wonderful. When I return to the US, I will be fantastic at making pasta! It’s sort of become a joke in the house to ask “Do you want pasta?” instead of “Are you hungry?” But really, I never knew there were so many ways to cook pasta! I can’t wait to try it out for myself! In addition to mealtimes, my roommates and I have ended up spending a lot of time together. There is a very interesting dynamic between us, and it’s a very trilingual atmosphere. The German speaks German and English, and the Italians speak Italian and German, and I am able to understand a good deal of the Italian and and get some German out. So being with them is always an interesting experience. It’s been a great way to learn about Italy and Germany and also their attitudes towards each other!
This weekend, a German family (family of a friend) from Flensburg invited me to stay with them. I am extremely excited to be able to see a different area of Germany and also get a taste for what German family life is like. They have already been extremely kind to me and offered to show me around town, cook, and take me to a concert. I’m amazed by their kindness, and can’t wait to see their town!