Week 2 in Mexico

During this week in Mexico, I ended up only going into the university twice- Monday the university was closed due to the faculty protesting, Wednesday we had off for teacher's day and Friday I had no participants. Something I have been noticing about the University is...

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Week 1 – Mexico City!

Although it is just the first week, it has been eventful. I was a bit nervous coming in, but after being oriented with our lab the first day and seeing how friendly everyone was, my anxiety dispelled. The lab research assistants graciously showed us around the lab and...

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¡Bienvinidos a México!

On the 5th of May, ironically Cinco de Mayo, Rand and I arrived in Mexico City. For the past week, we have gone to different restaurants, local and a few American, shopping centers, and areas around the city. For example, on Sunday we walked around our neighborhood...

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