by Leah Joann Pappas

Like most of the other students, things in Europe are wrapping up. I’ve had my last participant. I’ve moved out of my flat, and I’ve said goodbye to my friends and coworkers. As a rule, I hate goodbyes. These past few days, although relatively productive and fun have been clouded by the “this is the last time I’ll ever do this” feeling. It’s how I always get at the end of something. I have trouble enjoying the present because I know what big changes are coming in the future. Nevertheless, I’ve still tried to make the most of the past few days.

Although I may not have gotten the warm beachy summer everyone dreams of (*cough cough, Granada people. Im still jealous of you), I still immensely enjoyed this summer in Berlin. And I feel like I may have gotten more out of the experience because of it. I spent more time in the lab and at home rather than outside and therefore became close with my coworkers and roommates. Plus, I’ve now learned to truly appreciate a beautiful day!

When people ask what I’ve gotten most out of this experience, my answer, without a moment of hesitation, is always that I’ve learned the true extent of my independence. Last time I was abroad, I missed home the entire time, but this time, I was pretty much completely on my own for two months, and I hardly thought of home even once. There was a period of time when I lived a pretty solitary life just after arriving in Berlin, but even then, I was completely content to be on my own. It wasn’t scary to think about the necessity to forge relationships and get my study underway. It was actually exciting. So here I am at the end of it all, and I’m able to say that I am very content with what I’ve done here and with the person that I’ve realized I am. Thank you, PIRE, for this eye-opening and unforgettable experience! Now to code all of this data…