I can officially say I have seen the beauty of both France and Germany!!! The past 2 weeks have been so full of adventure, and I’m sad to say I only have 2 more weeks left of my PIRE trip. Two weeks ago, I spent a weekend in Paris. I saw the Mona Lisa, Luxembourg Gardens, the Louvre, Notre Dam, and the Eiffel Tower – typical touristy stuff. I can honestly say I think Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. I never encountered one single street that wasn’t picture perfect. Mark my words – I will return! This past weekend, I visited another PIRE student in Mannheim! Jack was an awesome host and we did so much sightseeing in such a short amount of time. I even saw the lab where he is doing his PIRE work…not too shabby. We went to Heidelberg and Freiburg and I honestly didn’t think I would love it as much as I did! The streets looked like something out of a fairy tale. I can definitely say I will return to Germany some day!

As for PIRE related things, I have 2 more recordings to do this week. My experiment will be pretty well balanced among participants. I finally got enough men to even everything out! After I finish up the recording, I’ll spend the next 2 weeks finalizing all the coding/data analyzing. Marianna & I still have some things to go over, but I’m excited to finally conclude all my data!