That’s right, I have tickets to go see the actual Alhambra palace tonight at 5:00 and I am super excited!

In other news, our presentations on Tuesday went very smoothly. Our audience had very good questions, critiques and comments that shed some light on points where our research could be improved or continued.

A few of the PIRE fellows from Tarragona are coming for a quick visit this weekend, which is quite exciting too. However, the next couple of days will undoubtedly be bittersweet because our beloved Maggie Featherstone will be leaving us on Sunday. It’ll be sad to say goodbye and weird to be without her.

I’m starting to wrap up my research project as well. I now have 37 participants, and my quota is 43. If all goes well with everyone I have scheduled for tomorrow and next week, I’ll reach my goal by next Wednesday.