Today is Saturday, July 2. Yesterday was my last day of testing. This is my last weekend in Nijmegen. When I think back to the day I arrived in Nijmegen, I can picture everything as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. I cannot believe that it has been 8 weeks.
When I first arrived, I was shocked by the fact that just trying to figure out which trains were direct from the airport to Nijmegen and which required train changes was difficult. I never expected to be that confused when reading the train boarding signs.
Over the past 8 weeks, I have grown accustomed to living here. I have tried more new food than I can count – simply because I couldn’t fully understand the menu most of the time in the first couple of weeks. I have gotten to know the other girls who travelled here from Penn State better. And, best of all, I had an amazing experience working on my own research project.
Now that the project is finished in Nijmegen, a part of me does not want to go home. I have become so used to living here and have made some great friends, and a part of me cannot see myself living anywhere else, now. If I ever have the opportunity to return to Nijmegen, I would jump on it. I will hold all of the memories I have made here close to my heart. This experience has truly been one of the best experiences of my life.