Since the last time I shared a blog (sorry for the delay- was having trouble with internet service!), many events have occurred…

Testing has been going well overall, we have figured out a lot about what was going wrong before, and everything is now going much more smoothly!

I’ve tested more than half of the total number of participants needed, which is crazy! The time is certainly flying, and I can’t believe I only have a few more weeks here.

The participants also actually seem to enjoy doing the experiment, and say it gives them some useful practice and really puts their English abilities to the test, so I’m excited to check out and analyze the results soon…

The other PSU Beijing PIRE student arrived last week, so it has been nice to have another person to explore the city with, and discuss research or ask questions if we have any. She’ll be starting her research experiment here too, which is exciting.

Finals week is coming up for the students at Beijing Normal, so it will definitely be harder to find willing participants to come in for that week, as they want to prepare for their exams, but I’m hopeful we’ll still be able to find some people who have free time and would like to participate! 

The food is great- cafeteria is convenient and a great price too. 

~Really enjoying my time here, trying to make every moment count!