These past few weeks have gone by so quickly, and during them I was able to make up for the first few weeks, where I was facing some errors with the experiment crashing. I was worried originally that I wouldn’t be able to find more participants to test, as the past two weeks have been filled with graduation ceremonies and final exams. But in the end, I was actually able to recruit a large number of participants, which was really exciting!

I tested quite a few people, and it felt great when everything ran smoothly and the participants actually seemed to enjoy participating. ~

I have a few more participants to test and then I believe the testing will be complete! As we close on the last few days I’ve been reflecting on this experience and the knowledge that I have gained. I think I’ve become more independent, as living on my own and conducting research here (mostly) on my own has been a great learning occasion and an enriching time. It has been great to have Eric and Gloria around as well. We were able to explore much of the city, and enjoyed many delicious meals at great restaurants.

Overall, this research experience has been a great one! Guo Laoshi, the professor whose lab we conducted research in, has been a wonderful host, and I am very grateful to her. I feel very lucky to have met her, as well as all of the graduate students in the lab who offered much help and support, and were awesome friends as well!