Once again, I am ending the week with a nice pile of data from another successful run of the experiment. This time, we added a few more filters to make sure we were only running participants whose data could help answer our research question. No more false monolinguals!

As the PIRE program begins to close, I want to take this opportunity to be mindful of how many amazing opportunities I have had through Penn State research. My lab is a community of kind, supportive people and I am so thankful that I was able to join and eventually participate in this program. I love that my mentors value knowledge as a skill on its own, and encourage me to read articles, ask questions, and form my own conclusions. I have learned how to build an experiment from the ground up, including gathering background literature to inform every decision, and how to score and analyze data to draw conclusions. I feel that I am a valued member of the team and that my work is being taken just as seriously as anyone else’s project. It is an amazing feeling to know that this experience has prepared me to go beyond what is traditionally expected from an undergraduate and has set me on the path to a successful future. I am SO thankful!