I have now successfully completed 3 trials! One of my pairs of participants did cancel this week, but I was still able to run 2. In addition, one of the trials was a Spanish to English, instead of English to Spanish, which I was very nervous for. I was nervous because I had to explain the tasks in Spanish first, instead of getting to explain them in English. I think I may have forgotten a few instructions because I think one of my participants may have completed one task in the wrong language, but it was a learning experience, and now I won’t forget next time.

The trials this week were interesting because they were not like my first one last week. I can’t write too much about what the study is, but the participants have a conversation about some *useless* items they will bring to a deserted island. It is a strange task, and the first group of participants I had was very curious as to why we chose those useless items. I had the opportunity to explain the study to them, which was a lot of fun. This week, the participants weren’t too interested in talking after the trial and they logged off of Zoom quickly after finishing their tasks. I understand everyone has Zoom fatigue and especially in the summer, no one wants to be on their laptops, but I found it interesting they didn’t want to know what the thought process was behind the tasks.

While I have gotten into a good rhythm, I think it may come to a screeching halt. Like Sunny, I am having trouble finding a balance of participants. I no longer have Spanish- English bilinguals to pair with my English- Spanish bilinguals, but I am hoping to get a few more people this weekend.

Words of the week: Annunciate, articulate, 1 rainboot