As predicted, I hit a bit of a pause in my data collection. Like Sunny, I have an uneven amount of participants from one group, and none in the other. I spoke with my lab at our weekly lab meeting and we decided that we would give it one more week before we switch up the restrictions on participants. Hopefully allowing more people to be eligible for the study will encourage more people to participate, but as we have all seen this summer, Zoom fatigue is real. While it has been a pause in running trials, it has allowed me to catch up on my organizational skills and making sure everything is uploaded where it needs to be. I feel like I should email the participants that have said they want to participate to update them- that I have not forgotten that they want to participate, but I just need a few more people to be interested, but I also feel like I have been bombarding people with emails that they may or may not even read.

Words of the week: Credit Card Statements, Please & Thank you, Soon