Wow. I cannot believe that this research period is coming to a close already! It feels like just yesterday that we were being trained on the lab equipment and now I feel as confident as I do back at Penn State with testing!
I had two days off and decided to take an overnight bus to and from Budapest to ensure that I was able to get at least a good 48 hours in… needless to say, the day I returned was a bit rough with testing haha. Budapest has definitely been my favorite place by far to visit! I had met some backpackers from Sweden and the UK who had visited Krakow and we all met up a week later to explore this city; I wish I was back.
One thing I noticed with Budapest and Krakow is that people are shocked to find out that I am from the States! I guess it is not very common for tourists to go much further than Germany and Italy (unless it is Greece) so I genuinely have to convince people that I am from the United States haha.
Also, Marlen is leaving tonight and it made me realize how fast this whole experience has been and I am already getting sad just thinking about leaving in 2 1/2 weeks-ish. I am so happy that I was able to have this experience though I have met so many wonderful people and have learned so much about research and its application.