After 8 weeks, I can’t believe our trip is over. There were so many memories made I’m truly going to miss it.

Kait and I were able to finish our last few lists for eye tracking and completed 32 participants total! I’m very proud of our work and can’t wait to look at the data once we’re back on campus.

On Tuesday, our lab coworkers invited us to a sendoff for us and another coworker at Xochimilco, which are the floating gardens! We sang songs, listened to music, took many pictures, and enjoyed as much of the time we could. Later that evening, we went to see a Lucha Libre show! We got to see the popular wrestlers and I had so much fun. I wished we would go see them again.

During the week, we went to our favorite restaurants one last time before our departure, one being an Italian restaurant. It was nice to see our favorite waiter too those times. Since I was up late packing the night before, I got to see the city view and it was absolutely beautiful. The city holds a place in my heart :’)

¡Eslayamos! (for the last time ): )