The overnight trip from Philadelphia to Amsterdam was long but smooth. We arrived at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and got on the first train to Nijmegen. I am so impressed with Nijmegen. It is a beautiful old city with a young atmosphere. Nijmegen Centrum is a beautiful city with cobblestone streets, and it has beautiful buildings with antique architecture. First impression of the locals is that everyone is really nice and it reminds me of the people in Puerto Rico. Everyone has been so welcoming and caring. This first week we used to settle in the new time zone and place, the first few days we were jetlagged and slept the whole day (one day we woke up at 6pm!). We did not do much regarding our study because our first meeting with the lab group was scheduled for the second week until Madison and Perry got here. Overall it has been an amazing experience, and I am extremely grateful for being here. 


P.S. Google translate has been my best friend! And I expect to learn a little bit of Dutch while being here.