This week was quite exciting!
As for the research side of everything, it has been going smooth. Participants have been coming in consistently, and I already have 20 done! I am hoping to get as many as I can in before the middle of June due to school ending here in Krakow. I do not think I will have many problems accomplishing that. Otherwise, I am happy with how everything has been going so far. Everyone in my lab is an absolute sweetheart, and I cannot believe I was lucky enough to meet such wonderful people to share this experience with. I am excited to live life knowing that there are kind souls out there.:)
When it comes to exploring, I have done a lot of that this week. My parents came in to visit me from the states! During the weekend, we went to tour the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps. This was a very humbling, emotional, and jarring experience. They have preserved it so beautifully, and tell the story with much remorse and respect for those who lost their lives. I was an experience that make many people emotional, and it is definitely hard to comprehend without seeing it in person. I am thankful I got to understand this from a different perspective.
We also went to visit Wawel castle, along with the fire breathing dragon! It was very cool to see, and hard to imagine how big it actually was. I am hoping to add pictures next week, as I forgot my phone cord today. But, I promise I will share!
I hope everyone had an amazing 3rd week!