Hi again!
This week was quite uneventful. I, for the most part, spent the week working on the research side of things and finishing up some summer classes online.
The Research:
In terms of participants, this week was huge for me. I tested 14 participants giving me a total of 55 so far. I only need 5 more to reach my maximum goal of 60, and I have everyone scheduled to reach that. I am so thankful and excited to have this part done. I have met so many interesting people through doing this, and I know that it is a once in a lifetime kind of experience.
I wish I had more to say about this, but honestly there isn’t much to it. I am almost done, and it is a bittersweet feeling. My lab has been so kind, understanding, and inviting. Everyone here has made an impact on my life, and I can feel lifelong friendships have formed:)
The Other Stuff:
Though I haven’t mentioned this before, I have also been enrolled in two online courses while being here. It was slightly difficult to get the hang of, due to the time difference and amount of work I felt weighing me down. Luckily, my professors were extremely generous and understanding, always willing to work with me through these obstacles. One of them has already ended, and I am happy to say it ended on a good note. My second one lasts until August (sadly) but it is very detailed oriented, forgiving, and well-explained.
Otherwise, I haven’t been able to do much else. I have kept myself very busy throughout my time here, which is probably why it has flown by so quickly. While I am very excited to get home, I will forever miss this part of my life. It has given me a new outlook, and a much better image for myself. My confidence has skyrocketed, and I feel more grounded than ever.
We don’t have much longer, so I hope everyone embraces this time while they can. Do something new next week, seize your time in a different country. It’s amazing!
On to the last week!
<3 Ryley
Hi Ryley! That’s incredible that you’re so close to your goal. Having 14 participants in one week must have been exhausting – especially with your summer courses! I’m so impressed that you were able to manage all of that. I adore your outlook on the experience; thank you for the encouragement! I hope your final week is great!