Week 8: Finished~

This week, there was a last minute problem! I had to share the experiment room with another lab conducting a different experiment. To solve this problem, I ultimately communicated with them and we worked around each other’s schedules. At first, I tried to move the...

Week 7: Sickness!

This week, I experienced the struggles of having many participants away from the university because it was the start of their summer break (the Beijing Normal University English majors summer vacation started this week)…and some participants I did have cancelled their...

Week 6: Learning!

Some of my favorite moments this week came from speaking with some of the participants. I love seeing how different participants have different strengths in learning English—some have great vocabulary, some speak so naturally…some want to become translators, some are...

Week 5: Participants Craze!

This week, I experienced the craze of scheduling participants. There are many China-specific aspects to running experiments with university students…for example, experimenters regularly communicate and pay participants through the popular, all-encompassing social...

Week 4: Help from across the world!

This week was a great week of working with Katrina to get the project up and running, ready for participants! With her help, we could work past issues such as the computer set up being confusing, and the eye tracker equipment (the mount) being a different type than...