Week 8!

Wow, half(ish) way through week 8 and I feel like I am getting to the end of a marathon, in the best way! As long as I do not jinx myself, by the end of tomorrow I will have run 65 session (5 participants only completed 1 session, so 30 participants in total). When I...

Mid Way Through Short Week 6!

It is hard to believe this journey is starting to wrap up. I know there are still 2 weeks left, but next week is my only full week of running sessions. Corpus Christi began this weekend and will continue until the upcoming weekend! While I knew it is a major holiday...

Mid-Week 5 Check-In!

Over half way over, and I feel like I just got here 🙁 The past week has been extremely busy, in the best way possible! At the time of writing this, I have completed 35 sessions, with 5 more planned by the end of the week. I have been running 4-5 sessions per day, and...

Week 4 already?

Hola todos! I believe this is the end of week 4?! To be honest, this week has been so exciting, busy, stressful, beautiful, and successful that I have completely lost track of time. I ran 15 sessions this week, with 4 more to do today! I must say, running participants...