Week 7 in Mexico City

We are almost done with our time here in Mexico, and it is starting to sink in that we will be leaving this wonderful place very soon.  For this reason we have been trying to do as much as possible with the time that we have left.  The lab work has become second...

Week 6 in Mexico City

This past week in here in Mexico City was quite busy.  The trend of all participants missing their appointments ended and I had a full schedule with only one no-show.  We attended our final PIRE presentation in the weekly lab meetings and I think everyone is equally...

Week 5 in Mexico City

We’ve just finished out fifth week here in Mexico City.  The day to day activities such as commuting to and from campus and running participants is beginning to feel like second nature.  It’s hard to believe that in less than three weeks we will be back in...

Week 4 in Mexico City

We have just completed our fourth week in Mexico City and are now at the halfway point of our time here.  It feels as though the first weeks have blown by and I am already beginning to dread having to leave this incredible city.  As interest in the study has continued...