A Small Bummer but it’s Alright

Last week, we decided that I will stick with testing Chinese native bilinguals since I still have 10 participants waiting to do the real experiment. However, I wasn’t able to do any session last week because I got my wisdom tooth taken off last Friday and hope...

Some updates

For this week, what I did mainly was to pay my participants who either have completed the survey or the experiment session. Some of my participants want Chinese Starbucks gift card and some prefer US Amazon. It’s a little messy at first, but I think I am pretty...

First Session Done!

Yesterday I finished my first session with two Mandarin native bilinguals because I haven’t heard from any of the English native ones. Starting with running experiments with them was still workable because we still can collect data about testing...

Some Good News!

In the last few weeks, I have been working hard to try to recruit as many participants as I could. Though recruiting the English native bilinguals was not easy, I have many Mandarin native bilinguals in my bag. Here comes to my first good news, in our last PIRE...

Slowly progressing

As I read posts by our PIRE fellows, I felt a little behind because I haven’t heard from the English native bilinguals who are very essential and crucial for my study. I think we are on our way of finding a way of reaching out to this group of people and we will...