Week 9: Finale

It really feels as though this experience flew by. As of tomorrow, I will have reached my goals of getting 40 participants and data collection will end. It has been an amazing experience, and I feel that I have learned a lot, not only about research, but also about...

Week 8: Crunch Time

I cannot believe it has already been 8 weeks! I only have one more week to get in all of the participants I can! This week, I had more luck with participants showing up and was able to get in 9, bringing me to 31 participants. My goal is still 40, but I would love to...

Week 7: Attendance

This week showed how rough attendance can be when recruiting sometimes. Last week, I had very good attendance and was able to get 10 participants in! This was an improvement of the week before where I was only able to get in 6 participants. This week showed to be...

Week 6: Moving Along

After getting my first six participants last week, I am now up to 16 participants, and possibly 17 by the end of today! It is really exciting to see people wanting to participate, but as usual some do not end up attending the appointments. Honestly, I think it is to...

Week 5: Participants

Starting Monday this past week, I started recruiting and running participants. I have been really surprised at how quickly people have been signing up for our study slots. We have been posting in groups of 5, with two postings so far, and both filled up within an hour...

Week 4: It’s a Journey

There are a few things I have learned about the research field in these past four weeks. Firstly, there is a lot involved, including a lot of rules to follow. Sometimes, you think that you can do something but realize there can be many roadblocks that force you to...