The homestretch

by Kaylee M Roupas The past two weeks have been the craziest, most exhausting, and downright chaotic weeks of my entire PIRE a completely good way. I believe I last posted while I was in the process of running participants, transcribing BNTs, and...

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Mid-PIRE crisis?

by Kaylee M Roupas Okay, maybe not so much a crisis as merely a lot of participants, work, and time pressure to get a lot done before I go home. (Hence why I haven't posted in a while.) My time here is flying by, and I can't believe it's ending in a little over 3...

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Amsterdam: the city of cheese

by Kaylee M Roupas Today is my fourth day of running participants, and so far, no significant problems have occurred!  This is exciting for me because I'm the poster child of "technologically impaired".  However, the participants seem to have some problems either...

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Confession: Public transportation scares me

by Kaylee M Roupas It always has, and it always will. I'm always nervous I'll mess something up and end up lost forever. I wish I was kidding. But going abroad this summer isn't just about research, right? It's about opening yourself up to new things and maybe even...

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Bicycles and stroopwafels

by Kaylee M Abend I love this city. I love this country. I love the people here. I love the language. I love the bicycles. I love the little houses. I love the stroopwafels. I love everything. The end. Day 1: I arrived Monday morning jet-lagged and still a little sick...

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