Laura: A Long Rant and Research Updates

I will never understand the thought process behind not showing up for a study. Never. But I'll get to that in a second, first some back story: Last week in the lab I was faced with one of my biggest research challenges thus far. I was halfway through capping a...

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Laura: Viva la Nijmegen!

Hello fellow CLS-ers! It’s been a while since I wrote, but it’s hard to find the time in between a testing schedule as rigorous as this last week has been. But the good news is that I am almost done! With a grand total of 34 participants (some tested, some signed up...

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Laura: The First (Official) Week of Testing

With the weeks starting to fly by and the countdown to return home looming closer, I found myself truly thrown into my research this past week. Though I had been in the University for two weeks on Monday, I hadn't made too much progress regarding my study. Three days...

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Laura: A Long Weekend

Situated in the oldest city in the Netherlands, Radboud University enrolls nearly 20,000 students and is known for its strong focus on research. Among its many values, the university is also affiliated with the Roman Catholic religion. Because of this, the university...

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