Analysis update

Although my time with PIRE has been a bit of a different experience than the other Penn State students that were here in Nijmegen with me (due to the fact that I had already collected my data before coming), it has still been one of the most valuable and educational...

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Last Week of Testing

My final week at Radboud was the week of June 27. It was a week full of wrapping up, goodbyes, and planning for my next adventure. After so many 9-hour days of testing participants, it was bittersweet to be going through the motions on my last day. On Wednesday I got...

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Het Loo, Amsterdam and Italy

During our time here, I have been able to take advantage of our location in Europe and travel a little bit in the Netherlands. One of the reasons I love Europe is because it is always a lot easier to travel around than through other countries. Every weekend I have...

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Biggest surprises in Nijmegen

One of the coolest things about traveling is seeing and experiencing things that are different from home. It’s especially interesting when you find things that surprise you, or that you didn’t expect. So here’s a short list of some of the surprising or interesting...

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First few weeks in Nijmegen

I have been spending the past few blogs writing about Colombia and what we did there as we were analyzing data, so now I am going to catch up on what has been happening in Nijmegen! We arrived in the Netherlands on June first, and we travelled by train to get to...

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My Final Thoughts

Well, today is my last day in Nijmegen. This is actually my last blog for the summer. Once again, I cannot help but think about how quickly my time here has gone. It does make me a little sad to see my time here end.   Despite not knowing how to speak Dutch (or...

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The End

Today is Saturday, July 2. Yesterday was my last day of testing. This is my last weekend in Nijmegen. When I think back to the day I arrived in Nijmegen, I can picture everything as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. I cannot believe that it has been 8 weeks....

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3 Year Reunion

This blog post requires a little bit of a backstory, so bear with me. The year after I graduated high school I decided to take a gap year to study abroad and learn Spanish before going to college. That decision landed me in a small town in central Ecuador where I...

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Travelling to Amsterdam

This past week has involved trying to recruit even more participants. I've been posting flyers, recruiting people outside of the dining commons, and sending out emails to spread the word to as many people as possible. Participants have been trickling in, and I think...

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The Final Week

This past weekend was supposed to be the last weekend that the six of us would be in Nijmegen. It actually turned out that this past weekend was the last weekend four of us would remain in Nijmegen. Saturday morning, three of us (Erika, Lina, and myself) decided we...

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CLS non-nativeness day

On Monday of this past week, the Center for Language Studies at Radboud University hosted a non-nativeness day where various language scientists gave short presentations about the work they are currently doing related to non-nativeness. Even though we are technically...

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Cultural Differences between Palenque and Nijmegen

Before going to Colombia, I had never been to South America. However, I had been to my grandparent's village in rural Spain, and so I was at least a little prepared for what to expect. My grandparents live in Las Canchas near Ronda. Palenque was definitely a little...

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The Netherlands. The first thing I used to think of when I heard someone say “The Netherlands” is Amsterdam. Surprisingly enough, I had not been to Amsterdam once in the six weeks I had been in The Netherlands. It was not until my friend, Cara, came to see me that I...

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Dutch Weather

Before coming to Nijmegen, I had been warned that it rained all the time. When I was packing to come here, I brought all of my rainy day essentials: a rain jacket, boots, an umbrella, a waterproof cover for my backpack, and, of course, waterproof makeup. For the first...

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First two weeks in the Netherlands

I've officially been here in Nijmegen for two weeks now, although to be honest it feels like it has been a lot longer. The past two weeks have flown by, and I know time isn’t going to slow down any time soon. I spent the first few days here just figuring things out,...

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The Lab Learning Curve

These past few weeks have gone by so quick it’s hard to believe I’ve half way through this trip. After struggling to work through finding my around town to technical issues in the lab, I’ve started to get into the groove of things. Having troubles in the lab is both...

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Problem-solving in Colombia

When you are traveling to a different country, and conducting research, you definitely want to have a smooth journey with no road bumps. As we were getting ready to go to Colombia, I was not at all prepared for all of the things that would go wrong for us. In the...

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No-shows and cancellations

As it stands now, I have had 12 participants. Given that I didn’t start testing until May 27, can usually only get the lab Wednesdays and Fridays, give myself 3 hours for every participant, and only need 20-25 participants, that really isn’t bad! But I do find it...

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Finally Testing

When I came to Nijmegen, I was not at all ready to test participants. I had nothing but a list of target words and pictures to match those words. All of my stimuli had to be recorded here in Nijmegen. That very first Thursday, I completed the first round of recording...

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Colombian Adventures

As day 6 comes to a close, I still can’t believe I’m actually finally here in the Netherlands. These past few days have gone by too fast, and it all still feels like a crazy dream. But before I get into my Dutch adventures, I must start at the beginning. And the...

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Memorial Day from Afar

My family has a Memorial Day tradition: every year we go to York, PA to visit my dad’s good friends from high school. There are five of them who have remained close, so we celebrate our annual “Meeting of the Five Families.” Setting out for this weekend is never...

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Newbies to Nijmegen!

On Wednesday, Dorothy and I finally arrived in Nijmegen for the PIRE part of our research! We had spent two and a half weeks in Colombia collecting the data, and now we are here in the Netherlands to analyze what we had collected. For the first few weeks I will talk...

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An eventful week pt.2

Friday was probably the most fast paced day I've had since traveling to Nijmegen. Yesterday, I was able to run three participants back to back from 11-7 pm. It could be a result of all the caffeine I had consumed that day, but nonetheless, I officially started...

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An eventful week pt. 1

After getting through all of the preliminary paperwork and piloting, I'm officially ready to start testing participants this week. So far I've only had a few sign ups, but it's exciting to see more and more people fill in the times slots on the SONA system. I have my...

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Radboud Rocks

There always seems to be something going on in Nijmegen. Between all of the educational talks taking place on campus, concerts, and street fairs, there is never a dull moment here. It seems that Nijmegen, like New York, is a city that never sleeps. On Thursday, the...

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Every Dutch Cloud Has a Silver Lining

You never know what to expect when you’re travelling somewhere new, especially a different continent. As I packed my bags to prepare for my trip to Radboud University which is located in the Netherlands, specifically the town of Nijmegen, I felt excited, nervous, and...

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Working out the Kinks

As just about anybody who has spoken to me in the past two months knows, my first step in actually being able to test participants here in Nijmegen is recoding my study. While Penn State uses E-Prime for EEG experiments, Radboud uses Presentation, so I had no choice...

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Living in a Bilingual Society

Exactly a week ago, I arrived to my apartment at Radboud University after having gotten on the plane at the Newark airport over 12 hours earlier. The journey from the Amsterdam-Schiphol airport to Nijmegen wasn’t without its confusion, but that part was comparatively...

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We Made It!

We made it! That was my first thought as I stepped off of the train in Nijmegen, The Netherlands after travelling for 9 hours. The plane ride had been fairly uneventful – we only experienced a small amount of turbulence. Figuring out how to get to the waiting platform...

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