Newfound Motivation

I made a considerable amount of progress this week. I finally finished trimming the sentences for the main experiment and now I’m working on programming the task in Gorilla. I did a lot of work in Gorilla when I was programming the norming study, so this time around I...

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Week 8: The End?

PIRE Summer 2020 might be coming to a close, but as my advisor tells me, nothing ever really ends. I am so happy with our progress this summer and I feel like I have learned so much more than I expected to. It has been 8 weeks of priceless experience that I will take...

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Week 7: Thankful

Once again, I am ending the week with a nice pile of data from another successful run of the experiment. This time, we added a few more filters to make sure we were only running participants whose data could help answer our research question. No more false...

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Patience and Making Decisions

This week I’ve been working on trimming the silences from the recordings of our sentences and normalizing them for intensity. This has taken a bit longer than I anticipated, but it is still progress nonetheless. At first, I was frustrated by how long it’s been taking...

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Week 6: Ones and Zeroes

For me, Week 6 looked a lot like a scene from a movie: rapid typing, mouse clicking, and a seemingly endless stream of 1's and 0's. We really dug into scoring the data from our first round of participants and I learned how to use all the cool mathematical functions in...

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Finished with Norming!

This week we finally got our norming study up and running! Organizing all of the details for this and working on editing the stimuli has been a work in progress for a while now, and it feels great to finally have it all complete. One thing that surprised me this week...

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Week 5: No Such Thing as Bad Data

As Week 5 comes to an end, I am happily sitting on a small pile of data from our first run of the experiment! After the excitement of hitting that Publish button and watching my experiment go live, I felt so mentally drained that when enough participants had completed...

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Week 4: Final Steps

It's the end of Week 4 and I feel really good about where we are! The experiment works well (fingers crossed) and we're anticipating our first round of participants on Monday! It has been so great to watch our experiment progress from the basic building blocks to a...

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Making Progress

In the midst of this pandemic and quarantine, PIRE research has been keeping me busy and occupied. I’m grateful that we can all continue working on our projects this summer, even if things didn’t quite go as planned.The past few weeks have been dedicated to preparing...

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Week 3: Troubleshooting and Warm Weer

I really thought that Phase 1 of the experiment would be up and running this week, but I realized that being realistic is much more important than being optimistic. The bulk of the experiment is built and functions properly, but we are having issues with one...

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Week 3: Progress and Insight

Hi everyone! I am so thrilled with our Week 3 progress! Phase 1 of our research is ready to begin soon and things are looking very good for our online experiment. It has been a learning curve for everyone, but we have definitely come out on top. After transferring our...

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Week 2: Reading and Thinking

Hi everyone! I feel like this week has been a lot of reading, thinking, and reading some more. My task has been to investigate all of the online systems we will be using to run our experiment and recruit participants, and to take detailed notes on how they work. I...

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Week One: Adjusting to the Home Office

Hello everyone! I am so excited to have begun my PIRE journey! The past few days have been a learning curve in my house. My dad is working from home, my siblings are still taking online classes, and I have started my PIRE internship here in Connecticut instead of in...

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