Summer 2021 Post 7

The experiment is ready! I am extremely happy to say that I believe that there are no more required changes to my experiment in LabVanced. The only thing I have left to do is to make sure data is recording properly and to get the proper licensing to test participants....

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PIRE Summer 2021 Post 6

At this point, the experiment has been programmed through Labvanced and it's more or less ready for the participants! I am in the process of doing some running the test just to see if problems come up, and so far it does everything we want it to. There are just a few...

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PIRE Summer 2021 Post 5

More good news! We are currently in the process of troubleshooting and fixing small bugs in the LabVanced program which will be used for my experiment. Despite these bugs, my experiment is basically ready to go. These issues should be fixed within a couple of days. I...

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PIRE Summer 2021 Post 4

I am very happy to announce that tomorrow my experiment through LabVanced will be complete! The final audio recordings were finished this past week and our experiment is just about set up. I will be able to begin testing participants on Monday. I am very excited and...

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PIRE Summer 2021 Post 3

This week has been a little bit frustrating. I know it’s been basically a year and a half at this point, however I still find the nature of remote work somewhat challenging when it comes to coordination and efficacy regarding getting things done. It is hard to be...

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PIRE 2021 for the week of July 10th

My project, while still moving unfortunately slowly, is chugging along. The final recordings for my experiment should be finished up this week, and therefore we'll be able to finish setting up the experiment very shortly and start collecting data. Recruitment is still...

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PIRE Summer 2021

This summer’s PIRE project has been an adventure. Doing this sort of research remotely is certainly a challenge, however I and those working close with me have been finding ways to persevere through these struggles. Despite several setbacks and some stagnation, I was...

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