Week 8 in Mexico City!

Well, I am a little late with my final blog post. The week after arriving home has been absolutely jam packed with getting back to my normal life. However, I wanted to give a quick update on the eighth and final week in Mexico 🙂 The last week was a little slower than...

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Final Week in Mexico City

Our final week in Mexico is over and we've returned to the US.  It's hard to believe how fast it went!  It's taken a couple days for it to sink in that our time abroad is over, but I have so many memories that will stay with me forever. My last week of participants...

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Week 8 Mexico City

I can't believe our time in Mexico City has already come to end. The past 2 months has been such an amazing experience that I will remember for a long time. We had a very eventful last week both inside and outside of lab. Of note in lab Aly and I reached our goal for...

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Week 8 in Mexico City!

After 8 weeks, I can't believe our trip is over. There were so many memories made I'm truly going to miss it. Kait and I were able to finish our last few lists for eye tracking and completed 32 participants total! I'm very proud of our work and can't wait to look at...

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The Final Weeks 🙁

Hi all 🙂 I absolutely cannot believe these 8 weeks have gone by so fast. This has been such an impactful experience. This trip allowed me to interact with so many new people, places, and cultures. Looking back there has been many ups and downs, but I wouldn't change...

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Week 7 Mexico City

Its so hard to believe that we only have one week remaining here in Mexico City. As far as data collection goes Aly and I are really close to reaching the number of participants needed for our study. We were a little bit stressed because at first we were a couple...

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Week 7 in Mexico City!

I can't believe it... this week was our last full week in Mexico! This trip has been so much fun and a really great experience! In the lab, things were honestly more or less the same. I was only able to run a few participants this week, as I had a couple people that...

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Week 7 in Mexico City

We are almost done with our time here in Mexico, and it is starting to sink in that we will be leaving this wonderful place very soon.  For this reason we have been trying to do as much as possible with the time that we have left.  The lab work has become second...

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Week 7 in Mexico City

After a super fun and packed week, I can't believe to say we're almost done. Kait and I got more participants this week and next week, which we hope to reach 32 by the end. Everyone in the lab is incredibly nice and I'm going to miss the connections we've made. On...

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Week 6 in Mexico City!

Another great week! We were able to make progress on our project and got to see some great sights! On Tuesday, we discovered a cute plaza in Coyocan where there were plenty of shops and food to eat. At one of the shops, I bought super cute rings and I'm so excited to...

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Week 6 in Mexico City

This past week in here in Mexico City was quite busy.  The trend of all participants missing their appointments ended and I had a full schedule with only one no-show.  We attended our final PIRE presentation in the weekly lab meetings and I think everyone is equally...

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Week 5 & 6 in Mexico City

I've been in Mexico for 6 weeks ! , and I feel like I've made significant progress in terms of my language and cultural development, as well as my research. We've past the halfway point, and I am sort of sad to see that our time here is about to be over. Speaking of...

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Weeks 5 and 6 in Mexico City

Well, these last weeks got a little crazy and I completely lost track of time. Therefore, I'm writing a double post in this one to update on the last two weeks of events. First things first, everything in the lab has been running very smoothly. I've continued to run...

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Week 5 Mexico City

This week in the lab we were off to a bit of a rocky start. On Monday we had three participants scheduled but our computer unfortunately malfunctioned that morning during our very first participant. We contacted IT but they sadly did not know went wrong with the...

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Week 5 in Mexico City!

We started off the week strong with our display computer, in the middle of our eye tracking task, deciding it was time to update itself, and then not complete the update where it was stuck on a certain screen. Unfortunately we had to reschedule that participant for...

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Week 5 in Mexico City

We've just finished out fifth week here in Mexico City.  The day to day activities such as commuting to and from campus and running participants is beginning to feel like second nature.  It's hard to believe that in less than three weeks we will be back in State...

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Week 4 in Mexico City!

To start this week's post, in the lab, everything was honestly very similar to last week; however, there were a lot less emails involved! I have continued to meet with participants and collect more data for my project, which is going very well aside from minor...

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Week 4 in Mexico City

Happy week 4! It's been a busy week running participants. On monday, we started out the week with my computer not turning on, so we had to reschedule, but luckily later that day we got it up and running. On Tuesday, we had the wonderful opportunity to present our...

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Week 4 in Mexico City

We have just completed our fourth week in Mexico City and are now at the halfway point of our time here.  It feels as though the first weeks have blown by and I am already beginning to dread having to leave this incredible city.  As interest in the study has continued...

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¡Ya he estado en México por 4 semanas! I feel like to have made so many strides as far as my language/cultural development and research progress. We have made it to the halfway mark and I can't wait to see what the future holds. As far as research goes, I have been...

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Week 3 Mexico City

This week we began running our first full week of participants. Giving participants instructions and answering questions are great opportunities to practice my Spanish. All of our sessions have run smoothly with no equipment issues which is great! We have had a couple...

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The third week of being in Mexico City! This week presented my PIRE projects. I was really never because it was the first time I had the chance to tell other about what I was doing. I presented my work and have a very detail disussion with everyone. I am glad that the...

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Week Three in Mexico City!

Hola a todos, To start, this week has been crazy with scheduling and running participants for the study. I believe ran 11 participants total this week, which meant that I was in the lab and around campus a lot during the weekdays. However, this worked out just fine...

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Week 3 in Mexico City!!!

I'm happy to say that Kaitlyn and I completed a week full of participants! We were able to figure out a groove between each other and made sure that each experiment session ran smoothly. Throughout the week, we had some difficulties with paying non-chosen participants...

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Third Week in Mexico City

Our third week has come to an end here in Mexico City, and it is difficult to believe we are already coming up on the halfway mark of our time abroad.  During the past week interest in our research has gone up exponentially, perhaps because the students here are now...

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Week 2 in Mexico City

The second week of Mexico City is done ! This week I had a chance to really dive into what life is going to be like for the next 6 weeks. First we explored some parts of the UNAM campus. It was very interesting seeing the architecture of the buildings and explore some...

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Week 2 Mexico City

It's the end of our second week here in Mexico and I've learned that it tends to storm here everyday in the afternoon. One thing I wish I had brought with me is an umbrella, which are a lot harder to find than I thought. So needless to say, we do walk in the rain more...

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Second week in Mexico City!

On Wednesday, Nick, Xavier, and I went to a Kpop random dance event held by the university's Kpop club! (or in other words - nosotros kpopamos) I didn't realize how much greenery there was at the campus until then. There is a large park, similar to the hub lawn but...

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Week Two in Mexico City

Hello everybody! Our first week here in Mexico City may have been a little slow with the process of settling in, but the second week definitely picked up the pace. On Monday, my recruitment flyer was posted and throughout the next two days, I was swamped in emails...

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Second Week in Mexico City

Another week is in the books and it's hard to believe that we have already been in México for 14 days.  This past week was just as exciting as the first, with many new experiences.  The week started with us piloting our studies on each other and making sure everything...

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Week 1 Mexico City

On Sunday, my group and I arrived in Mexico! Alyson and I met the rest of our group at the airport and traveled throughout the day. Once we arrived, we ate dinner at a nearby restaurant and got settled in our apartment. The next day, we had our first opportunity to...

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Week One in Mexico City!

We've just finished our first week abroad in Mexico City, México!  After a half day of travel from State College, we arrived in Mexico City in the early afternoon, Sunday.  We freshened up a bit and were taken to our first Mexican dinner at La Casa de Toño by one of...

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Week 1 in México !

I have completed the first week in Mexico City ! Everything so for has exceeded my expectations. Upon the first day landing, we were so excited to explore the city and try authentic Mexican food. Our Airbnb is located in a great spot surrounded by restaurants, stores,...

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Week 1 in Mexico City!

Tonight marks the end of our first week in Mexico City, and so far, this has been an amazing experience! This week was focused mainly on travel and settling into our new home for the next eight weeks. We got into the city Sunday evening, and after a full day of...

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Week 1 in la Ciudad de México!

After flying in to Mexico on Sunday, I have now settled in to my apartment and got to know the other PIRE students! We've clicked well and I can't wait to spend the rest of time here with them. Having other students with me is definitely helping my adjustment to the...

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