Week 11?

It is strange and a bit frustrating, I am having the opposite problem I was having a few weeks ago. It has been hard to get a native English speaker to participate in my study, and I have native Spanish speakers ready to participate. It is getting hard to stay...

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Florida Account

This week, I had no new participants. I was required to make an account with The University of Florida and get trained with their IRB, but I am waiting to hear back. Other than that, I started coding the data for one of my tasks. Although the data coding is somewhat...

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Nerves of the Upcoming Semester- Week 10

I am not going to lie, I am getting quite nervous with the lack of sessions I have been able to run/have scheduled. I was hoping to have a lot more done by this point, so I could focus on coding while I was taking classes so that I would only have to work around my...

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Trial and Error

To those that are reading, I realized that my last two blog posts didn’t post. I think I accidentally was saving them as a draft and not clicking publish. Trial and error. As for my update, right now I am at a standstill. I haven’t had any new participants, but I am...

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With Pause Comes Progress?- Week 9

Well, I got more potential participants to fill out the pre-screening survey... and no one has responded that they actually want to be a part of the study. It is a bit frustrating when you get people who fill out the survey, you pay them, and then never hear from them...

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A Bit of a Pause- Week 8

As predicted, I hit a bit of a pause in my data collection. Like Sunny, I have an uneven amount of participants from one group, and none in the other. I spoke with my lab at our weekly lab meeting and we decided that we would give it one more week before we switch up...

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Last week was another successful week, however, I am having a lot of trouble with cancellations and time zones. In my emails to schedule, I always clarify that we are running the trials in the EST time zone. My participants are from different locations and sometimes...

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Slowing Momentum- Week 7

Well, my prediction was sadly correct. I had a session scheduled with 2 participants on Tuesday, and after waiting for 15 minutes past the scheduled time, only one participant showed up. I cannot conduct the trial with only one participant so I had to cancel. I also...

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Last week was a great week for my research! I ran four participants and scheduled more for this week. There were a few mix-ups about time zones and schedules, but nothing that a few emails couldn't overcome. I also had a few issues with my research computer, but I...

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3 Down, 77 to go!- Week 6

I have now successfully completed 3 trials! One of my pairs of participants did cancel this week, but I was still able to run 2. In addition, one of the trials was a Spanish to English, instead of English to Spanish, which I was very nervous for. I was nervous because...

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Some Progress!

This week was way more eventful than the previous ones and I am so excited for it! My study and survey have successfully reached a group of people and I am moving on to testing my participants this week.  I was able to communicate and schedule over ten participants...

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First Trial Done, Two Cancelled- Week 5

Well, I have successfully conducted my first trial! One of my participants was a former PIRE fellow so it was so nice to get to talk to her about her experience in PIRE. Everything went as smoothly as could be expected, which I was very happy about. I had 3 trials...

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Zoom Fatigue

Currently, I still am in the recruitment process for my project. However, this is providing to be a challenge. Since my corpus is so specific, it is hard to find participants and I believe that Zoom fatigue is playing a role in that. No one wants to stare at their...

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Continuing the Balancing Act- Week 4

I think I have finally figured out the easiest way (for my participants and me!) to schedule in different time zones, with busy people. Using a site called when2meet, I am having my participants input the times they are available on a few specific days. I have had 3...

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Finding the Balance- Week 3

I have officially started communicating with participants! I have had a few people (and no bots!) complete a pre-screening language survey which is very exciting. They have all been extremely nice and understanding that I cannot quite schedule the study with them yet,...

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Weeks One and Two

Weeks one and two have been so exciting as I am preparing for my first participants! I have had many practice sessions and time to prepare for the real deal. Since I have been working in the lab since my first semester, it is crazy that the time is finally here for my...

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Anticipation- Week 2

With week 2 officially in the books, this is all starting to seem more achievable, but also more impossible. The more I get into practice session, and actually recruiting participants, the more little details I had not considered make it to the surface. The practice...

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The Beginning! Week 1

Here we go! I have officially started working on my PIRE fellowship this week and excited is a bit of an understatement. Right now, the thing I am most focused on is staying organized. With all the data I expect to start collecting soon, I have been making and...

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