June 18th – 22nd

by Sara Carter This past week was our last week of collecting data here in Granada and it has absolutely flown by, as we have been rushing to try to get in as many participants as we can before we finish as well as making preparations to leave Granada.  As luck would...

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June 11th – 15th

by Sara Carter The verbal paralysis that when I first arrived here would overcome me each time I was addressed in Spanish and attempted a response has effectively disappeared as my confidence in my speaking skills has grown with increased usage of the language.  I...

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Week of June 3rd – 8th

by Sara Carter This past week seemed to have been more filled with activity than any other period of my time here since perhaps the first few days after arriving in Granada.  The beginning of the week was absorbed with fairly intensive preparations for our somewhat...

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Week of May 28th – June 1st

by Sara Carter  At the lab meeting next Wednesday we will each be giving a presentation of our research project to the lab group, in which I am planning to provide an explanation of what my experiment seeks to investigate, offer the outcomes I expect and why and...

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Week of May 21st – 25th

by Sara Carter This week I continued to run participants, which for me has been the most enjoyable part of doing research because I have had a series of really interesting conversations with some of my participants regarding their experience as native English speakers...

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Week of May 14th – 18th

by Sara Carter As our second full week living in Granada comes to an end, the initial novelty of being here seems to have worn off as local tendencies and places that initially seemed so fascinating and unusual have come to feel more like ordinary facets of our life...

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‘Ta luego, Granada

by Emily Rae Sabo Hello all! It's been a while since I last wrote and I apologize! I have indeed missed writing to you. It's been a crazy past two weeks and I can't wait to tell you all about it now. As I write this, I am sitting in la sala de becarios (the grad...

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Week five in Granada

by Emily Rae Sabo Hello friends! It is week five here in Granada and I have been busy busy busy. As far as the research goes, there was a lot to do and I learned a lot about the programs we use at the lab as well as familiarized myself with the process of extracting,...

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Experiencing Andalucía

by Emily Rae Sabo Hello again from Granada. It's my fourth week here and I can't believe how fast the time seems to be flying by. As of now, I have successfully run twenty six participants and I have a full list of potential participants scheduled for the upcoming...

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Semana Tres: ¡Mi Cumpleaños!

by Clair Elizabeth Pelella This research experience happened to fall over my 20th Birthday, which means that I was lucky enough to be able to celebrate in España. How could I ever ask for anything more? It was a fantastic day, and not only was I able to celebrate in a...

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Semana Dos: Participantes y daño solar de la piel

by Clair Elizabeth Pelella Week number two in Granada was anything but dull. Emily and I began to run our participants in the lab, which was exciting, but nerve wrecking at the same time. After calming the nerves, we were able to successfully run our participants....

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Bienvenido a Granada

by Clair Elizabeth Pelella Although I only arrived a few days ago, I can wholeheartedly say that I love Granada. I am amazed by the beauty of the city, the architecture, the never ending tapas and of course the gelatto! At first I was a little intimidated being...

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Los cuentos de la Granada

by Emily Rae Sabo Dear friends, it's seems that it's about that time for me to write that third letter home to tell you how things are going over here. In short, life is great and Granada is still just as wonderful as it was the first day I arrived. But if you'd like...

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El segundo capitulo

by Emily Rae Sabo And so the research finally begins. Monday May 7th was our first official day at the University. Alvaro, Amelia, Melissa, Clair, Sara, and I all walked together to the University at 8:45am to have a meeting with Teresa Bajo, our abroad research...

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Week of May 7-11

by Sara Carter Week of May 7- 11 As our first full week of living in Granada draws to a close, it seems inconceivable that our elapsed time here in fact consists of little more than a week.  Although the copious differences between daily life in State College and...

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