Will I Ever Finish?

In my last few posts, I mentioned that I need recordings from a Spanish and English speaker. The Spanish speaker has sent me his recordings and I have already worked through them in order to work to find the best tokens of each specific word. I am still waiting for...

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Stimuli, Experiments, and Questionnaires! Oh, my!

This week the stimuli were concatenated (put into the trials in one file so we could upload it into gorilla.  I also created the 4IAX task fully and uploaded the stimuli to the task, and it runs through pretty smoothly!  I started to put the LHQ into gorilla, so that...

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The Chosen One(s)

This week, I finally pared down my stimuli!  It was tough to choose which stimuli to use and which ones to scrap, but we did it!  We also decided to run 180 trials instead of 270 for the sake of time and to avoid participants getting bored of the task (this happened...

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Spanish Recordings!

So I have been waiting for a while for my recordings of the stimuli to be emailed to me. The stimuli are three parts, words with an sC onset, filler words, and nonwords. All in English. I had asked my advisor to record (a natural English speaker) and my new friend...

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Praat Adventures

While waiting for my stimuli to be recorded, I have been learning about using Praat. I had learned about this tool in Span 215 (Spanish Linguistics) but we barely used it. I've seen what the audio clips look like as well, so that wasn't new to me. The thing that is...

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More Progress!

The stimuli are finished! Big, big hooray. It feels like it's been months since I've even begun working on it. I guess, technically, it has been! I sent them to a Spanish speaker and a native English speaker who will do the recordings for me. Just waiting for them to...

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PRAAT skills for days

This week, I finally got my stimuli sorted!  I learned how to navigate PRAAT scripts, and how to make them work for my purposes.  We segmented gates for the 4IAX task, ramped the vowel and novowel gates so the words sound more natural, and normalized the stimuli so...

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Not Much Progress…

Every week brings new changes. My project needed new stimuli (real English words and fake 'English' words) that need to be recorded. Every time I get close to finishing it, there seems to be a new problem. Luckily, I have the speakers for the stimuli picked out. My...

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Practice Makes Perfect…?

This week we finalized the gates for stimuli for the threshold task, and the next step will be creating the actual trials.  We also chose the practice items, and decided (more or less) how to present them!  Participants will familiarize themselves with Spanish...

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The weeks keep flying by…

Hi Everyone! My name is Angelica and I cannot believe it is almost July. This summer seems to be flying by and before I know it, we're going to be back at State College! Which is super exciting. This project is something that I've been working on for so long (since...

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Weeks 1-2

These first two weeks have been dedicated to getting everything up and running.  So far, I've been editing the stimuli gates for my 4IAX threshold task in PRAAT and sorting through existing stimuli from previous experiments in Dr. Carlson's lab.  We have plans to...

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