Final Thoughts
by arb5489 | Aug 6, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb I wrote this blog over the weekend, but did not have internet access until now to post! My Hong Kong experience has been amazing. In just 8 quick weeks I ran 18 participants, attended a conference, traveled all over the island, ate all different...
Fun Facts/Funny Experiences in HK!
by arb5489 | Aug 2, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb I could go on and on, but these ones stick out to me the most!: Unless you receive excellent service, it is not custom to tip. This also means that waiters and waitresses do not check in during your meal to see if you need anything. Most places I...
Wrapping Up
by arb5489 | Jul 31, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb Things are quickly wrapping up here. I can't believe how quick the time has gone by! My work here is almost complete. When Gary, Ally and Carmen administered the tests, they each made some hand-written notes on the scoring sheets in...
by arb5489 | Jul 27, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb Prior to leaving, I had made a mental bucket list of all of the places I wanted to do, food I wanted to eat and activities I wanted to do. Here is an update and description of everything I have done and still need to do. Hopefully in 2 weeks it...
Professional Development
by arb5489 | Jul 25, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb This weekend I attended a professional development event led by James Law, a professor at Newcastle University. This event was mostly for professionals; however, I did meet one other student. On Saturday, Professor Law taught us mostly about...
Data Collection… check! Local Food… check!
by arb5489 | Jul 18, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb We have completed all of the data collection with the children at both preschools. I owe a huge thank you to Gary, Ally and Carmen for helping me conduct all of the tasks. In total, we were able to run the experiment with 18 children. As I begin...
Study Participant & Little Waves
by arb5489 | Jul 10, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb This week I was part of a study for the department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. After reading others' blogs about tracking down participants, I was happy to help. The study examined English-native speakers on tone and stress perception. I was...
Better Late Than Never
by arb5489 | Jul 10, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb I'm sorry this blog is a week late. I thought I posted it over the weekend, but my internet is quite testy here! I'm glad I saved it in a word document. Now you just get two blogs in a row. What a successful week! This week I went to two...
Lab Work and Sight Seeing
by arb5489 | Jun 25, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb It has been another exciting and busy week here. Last week, I met Gary and Ally, the two students who will help administer the experiment with the children. We heard back from the kindergartens and it looks like we have ten children to run the...
Hello Hong Kong!
by arb5489 | Jun 14, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Margaret Anne Lamb After quite a long journey I finally arrived safely in Kong Kong. Luckily, my advisor here, Carol To, and two students, Chris and Catherine, picked me up from the airport. We took a taxi to my dorm, or "hostile" as they call it. We had to carry...