International Journal of Electronic Government Research


Mission of IJEGR:

The primary coverage of the International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) is to supply academicians, practitioners, and professionals with quality applied research results in the field of electronic/digital government, its applications and impacts on governmental organizations around the world. It is the intention of this prestigious research journal to effectively and positively provide organizational and managerial directions with greater use and management of electronic/digital government technologies in organizations. Given these objectives, we hope to epitomize the research available within e-government, while exponentially emphasizing the expansiveness of this field.

Coverage of IJEGR:

Accessibility of e-government Web sites
Administrative reform through e-government
Assessment of e-government projects
Anti-spam legislation and solutions
Applications of e-commerce in government
Avoidance of technology pitfalls in e-government development
Best practices in e-government
Building government-to-government enterprises
Citizen services
Cyber public relations
Data protection and data privacy
Digital government online education
Digital rights management
E-commerce in a digital economy
Electronic government applications
Electronic voting
Electronic government-to-government collaboration
E-government databases
E-government implementation
Future directions of electronic government
Governing health care with IT
Governance and electronic democracy
Government to business
Identity management and citizen privacy
Immigration and digital government
Implementing e-government systems in transition economics
Impacts/implications of electronic government
Information access
Information policy
Information privacy
Information security
Inter-agency information sharing in e-government
Internal government processes and intranets
International integration/collaboration of e-governments
Intrusion detection and prevention
IT management issues in digital government
Ontology for e-government public services
Local e-governments
Managing IT outsourcing for digital government
Measurement of performance
Multi-level governance
Public and private partnerships management
Security and reliability
Social issues of trust and e-government
Strategic management of electronic government
Technology adoption and diffusion

Interested authors should consult the journal’s manuscript submission guidelines at .

All inquiries and submissions should be sent to: Editior-in-Chief: Dr. Mehdi Kosrow-Pour,

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