The University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, invites proposals for its 2008 Women’s Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Conference.
The 2008 conference will feature scholarly and creative work that treats questions of power in relation to women: the experiences, creations, theories, and practices of power that define and are defined by women as actors, objects, and modes of performance and being in the world. The conference, among other things, aims to provoke discussion about women in positions of power, the vexatious roads they travel to get there, the barriers they meet, defeat, or submit to along the way, and the humorous, sad, and/or inspiring visions that arise from women’s engagement with powers of all kinds—including the powers they possess themselves.
This year’s conference will culminate in the publication of selected scholarly papers and creative works in a special conference issue of The South Dakota Review.
We solicit proposals for research presentations, scholarly papers, roundtable discussions, brief dramatic performances, film viewings, and creative readings on any topic that treats the diverse intertwinings of women and power.
Please upload your electronic proposal at, e-mail 250-word abstracts to, or send a hard copy to the following address by August 1, 2008.
Women’s Studies
The University of South Dakota
414 E. Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069