Monthly Archives: October 2009

Donald A. B. Lindberg Fellowship

Applications for the Donald A. B. Lindberg Fellowship due November 15, 2009

The Medical Library Association (MLA) is now accepting applications for The Donald A. B. Lindberg Research Fellowship. The purpose of this fellowship is to fund research aimed at expanding the research knowledgebase, linking the information services provided by librarians to improved health care and advances in biomedical research. The endowment will provide a $9,945 grant, awarded by MLA through a competitive grant process, to a qualified health sciences librarian, informatician, health professional, researcher, educator, or health administrator.  Research in alignment with MLA’s research agenda’s top ranked research questions is preferred over other areas of research and is located at

An application and more information about the fellowship can be accessed at or by contacting Lisa C. Fried, MLA’s Credentialing, Professional Recognition and Career Coordinator at

The awardee will be notified in late February 2010. 




Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010-Global Conference on Learning and Technology

        May 17-20, 2010  *  Penang (island), Malaysia

                  (Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort)

                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION


     ** Submission Deadline: November 23, 2009 **

                                  Organized by:
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
                              ( )

                                Co-sponsored by:
      Education & Information Technology Digital Library

                                      Hosted by:
Open University of Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Wawasan Open University                 

COLOR POSTER­: Global Learn 2010 Asia Pacific  (Available to Print & Distribute)

                  >> CONTENTS & LINKS <<

1. Introduction
2. Topics:

3. Program Activities & Submission Information, Deadline November 23:
4. Presentation Categories:

5. Products/Services Showcases & Presentations:
6. Proceedings & Paper Awards:
7. For Budgeting Purposes:

8. Penang (island), Malaysia:
9. Deadlines:


Global Learn Asia Pacific is an annual, international conference organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
The conference will be guided by a respected, international Executive Committee, primarily from countries of the Asia Pacific region.
( )

This conference serves to further the advancement and innovation in learning and technology. As the educational world becomes increasingly global,
new ways to explore, learn, and share knowledge are needed.

Global Learn is a means to connect and engage creative educators, researchers, consultants, training managers, policy makers, curriculum developers,
entrepreneurs, and others in the topics and fields in which they are passionate about. Many individuals are transforming learning environments in local
as well as more global ways. Global Learn offers them an opportunity to meet and discuss their ideas, findings, and next steps.

The decision to create and organize this annual conference in Asia and the Pacific Rim is testament to the enormous interest in learning and technology
throughout this region of the world and a response to many requests to AACE to undertake this initiative.

Primary aims of Global Learn include but are not restricted to:

* Create learning and professional development opportunities combining the best and latest technologies
   with educational practices and characterized as interactive, social, and personal experiences.
* Provide opportunities for ongoing exploration of both the diversity and commonality of the uses of educational technology in different regions and cultures.
* Foster a global networking/collaborative community on learning and technology.
* Help visualize and shape the future of learning and teaching.

The following nine themes exemplify the vision and goals of Global Learn for advancement and innovation in:

1. Advanced Technologies for Learning and Teaching
2. Assessment and Research
3. Educational Reform, Policy, and Innovation
4. Evaluation and Quality Improvement Advances
5. Global Networks, Partnerships, and Exchanges
6. Innovative Approaches to Learning and Learning Environments
7. Open Education
8. Technologies for Socially Responsive Learning
9. Virtual and Distance Education

For specific topics within these themes, see:
* Keynote Speakers & Invited Panels/Speakers
* Papers, Best Practice Sessions & Roundtables
* Research/Technical Showcases & Products/Services Showcases
* Tutorials/Workshops
* Virtual Sessions

All presentation proposals are peer reviewed and selected by a Program Committee, based on merit and the perceived value for attendees.

Call for Presentations:
Submission guidelines:
Presentation and AV Guidelines, see:

The Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful
activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.

Corporations and other organizations have the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their learning and technology related
products and services through Products/Services Showcases & Presentations.

Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the Proceedings (hard copy & CD-ROM). Proceedings in this series serve as major resources in the learning
and technology global community, reflecting the current state of the art in the field.  In addition, the Proceedings also are internationally distributed through and
archived in EdITLib–Education and Information Library.

Selected papers may be invited for publication in may be invited for publication in AACE’s respected journals especially in the
– International Journal on E-Learning (IJEJ),
– Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH), or
– Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR).

All presented papers will be considered for Outstanding Paper Awards within several categories. Award winning papers may be invited for publication in the AACE journals.


The conference registration fee for all presenters and participants includes many extras!

Conference registration will be held at the beautiful Shangri La’s Rasa Sayang Resort. All concurrent sessions will be held at both the
Shangri La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & Golden Sands Resort. located along the emerald waters of world-famous Batu Feringgi Beach,
with local shopping, dining, and attractions nearby! 

Special discount hotel rates have been obtained for Global Learn participants at approx. $127 USD & 89 EUR;
or specifically Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 450 Nett (including 15% tax) (single/double).
Special hotel rates include daily breakfast buffet and complimentary broadband Internet.

Experience the Pearl of the Orient; Culture, Dining, Shopping, Attractions, & Tours!


Submissions Due:          November 23, 2009
Authors Notified:              December 22, 2009
Proceedings File Due:     March 22, 2010
Early Registration:           March 22, 2010
Advanced Registration:   April 26, 2010
Conference:                     May 17-20, 2010

To be added to the mailing list for this conference, link

Global Learn Community:
AACE Blog:

If you have a question about Global Learn, please send an e-mail to
AACE Conference Services,

AACE–Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
P.O. Box 1545, Chesapeake, Virginia 23327  USA
Phone: 757-366-5606 * Fax: 703-997-8760
E-mail:  *

ALCTS CCS Cataloging and Classification Research and Publication (CCRP) Interest Group

Call for Presenters

2010 ALA Annual Midwinter in Boston, MA, January 15-19, 2010


ALCTS CCS Cataloging and Classification Research and Publication (CCRP) Interest Group of the American Library Association (ALA) seeks proposals for its Research Forum at the 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston, MA, January 15-19, 2010.  The CCRP Interest Group welcomes submissions that address any aspects of the current issues, mechanisms for solving these issues and the significance of research findings in the broad area of information organization (e.g., cataloging and classification, metadata) especially in relation to digital environment. Proposals dealing with user-generated metadata such as social tagging are also welcome.


Both completed research and research in progress will be considered.  All researchers, practitioners, students and other interested individuals engaged with cataloging and classification research are encouraged to submit proposals.  Proposals are due on November 30, 2009. Each proposal must give the title, an abstract (up to 500 words) and the submitter’s one-page vita. Also, please indicate whether the research is in-progress or completed. Proposals should include the following elements: a problem statement, a statement of significance, objectives, methods and conclusions (or tentative conclusions for works in progress).


From the submissions, the Committee of Cataloging and Classification Research and Publication Interest Group will select several proposals for presentation at the conference.


*DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS*: November  30, 2009


Please submit proposals and direct inquiries to:


Dr. Jung-ran Park

Chair, ALCTS CCS Cataloging and Classification Research and Publication Interest Group

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Library Metadata,

Assistant Professor

The iSchool at Drexel

College of Information Science and Technology

Drexel University


Phone: 215-895-1669

Fax: 215-895-2494





An international, interdisciplinary conference

30 June – 2 July 2010; Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Confirmed Speakers

Sara Ahmed
Davina Cooper
Krassimira Daskalova
Antke Engel
Katherine Gibson
Rebecca Gomperts
Gail Lewis
Lynne Segal
Margrit Shildrick
Birte Siim
Gloria Wekker
Anna Yeatman

The language of citizenship has, in recent years, been mobilized by
feminists to articulate a wide range of claims and demands. The notions
of economic, political, social, cultural, sexual/ bodily, and intimate
citizenship, for example, have all been developed and explored in terms
of their normative potential and their actual realization. In Europe, in
particular, there has been a strong steer from research funders and
policy makers towards research agendas which address the question of
citizenship in the context of increasingly diverse and multicultural

But, can the concept of citizenship encompass the transformations that
feminist politics seek? What are the restrictions and exclusions of
contemporary forms and practices of citizenship? How does the concept of
citizenship deal with power, inequality, and difference? What are the
problems with framing our desires and visions for the future in terms of
citizenship in a globalizing world of migration, mobility, armed
conflict, economic crisis and climate change? Does the concept of
citizenship restrict our imaginations and limit our horizons within
nation-state formations? Can it ever really grasp the complexity of our
real and longed-for attachments to communities, networks, friends and
loved ones? Is it able to embrace the politics of embodiment and of our
relationships with the non-human world? How have feminists historically
and cross-culturally imagined and prefigured a world beyond citizenship?
Is a feminist, queer or global citizenship thinkable, or should we find
a new language for new forms of belonging?

We invite proposals for papers that address these questions and the
broad theme of the conference. We particularly welcome papers which
explore the interface between the feminist academy and feminist
activism, and which are interdisciplinary and innovative in method and

Individual paper proposals (max. 200 words) or proposals for panels of
three or four related papers (max. 300 words) should be submitted by 1st
December 2009 to:

The conference will take place in central London. A limited number of
bursaries will be available. For further information about the
conference, visit:

Beyond Citizenship: Feminism and the Transformation of Belonging is
organised by FEMCIT, an EU FP6 integrated research project on “Gendered
citizenship in multicultural Europe: the impact of contemporary women’s
movements”, in collaboration with the Birkbeck Institute for Social
Research, at Birkbeck, University of London, Rokkansenteret, at the
University of Bergen, and is sponsored by the Norwegian Research

Organizing Committee
Sasha Roseneil, Isabel Crowhurst, Ana Cristina Santos and Mariya
Birkbeck Institute for Social Research
Birkbeck, University of London

LOEX of the West 2010

The LOEX of the West 2010 Committee invites you to submit proposals to be

considered for presentation at the LOEX of the West Conference, June

10-12, 2010, in Calgary, Alberta.


Please see the conference website –   – for the details!


[LOEX of the West 2010, Program Chair]

Nancy Goebel

Head Librarian / Human Rights Advisor

Augustana Campus

University of Alberta

4901-46 Ave

Camrose, AB, Canada

T4V 2R3

ph: 780.679.1189

fax: 780.679-1597

Culture Keepers VII: Bridging the Divide with Information Access. Activism and Advocacy

Birmingham, Alabama

Sheraton Conference Center

August 4-8, 2010

Call for Program/Workshop Proposals

For more info go to

The Black Caucus of the American Library Association extends an invitation to all information professionals to join us in presenting educational and thought-provoking programs and workshops at the 7 th National Conference of African American Librarians in the �Magic City� of Birmingham.

The Conference serves as a national meeting for professionals in all areas of the information industry and provides opportunities to discuss varying issues, formulate new visions, celebrate achievements and share best practices, as we address issues relevant to libraries.

You are invited to submit a proposal for a program or workshop for presentation at the conference.
Presentations in all areas of librarianship and information science are sought, however we ask you to consider the conference theme,

Culture Keeper VII: Bridging the Divide with Information Access, Activism and Advocacy,
when developing proposals.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Innovative and Emerging Technology
  • Service to Demographically Changing Communities
  • Technology and Information Literacy
  • Effective Leadership in Politically Challenging Environments
  • Managing in Economically Challenging Times
  • Preparing for Directorship
  • Succession Planning
  • Salaries and Pay Equity
  • Recruiting Librarians
  • Library Leadership and Community Collaboration
  • The Essential Role of Library Friends, Trustees, and Foundations

Consider the following presentation formats: Individual and panel, or poster sessions .

Submission Guidelines

A Proposal that includes all of the following will be considered:

  • Name and contact information for principal contact (if more than one person will be presenting)
  • Complete contact information for all speakers: include name, title, employer or affiliation, email address, telephone/fax numbers
  • Title of proposed program
  • Program format and length
  • A brief (100 words or less) description of the program for conference program purposes
  • At least three learning outcomes
  • Audiovisual/equipment requirements (if any); and
  • Biographical statement of the presenter(s) (up to 50 words per presenter)

Selection Criteria

Successful proposals will:

  • Identify critical issues in Librarianship that will be treated in the program
  • Demonstrate how the audience will be engaged in program
  • Have a high degree of relevance to the projected conference attendees
  • Contain program content that can be re-purposed for continued discussion after the conference
  • Be unique and innovative or raise issues that have not yet been widely examined
  • Have their foundation in recognized research and/or statistics or present new research and/or statistics.

How to Submit Proposals

  • Using the attached form, submit proposals by email (Word document or PDF attachment) to:
Direct questions about the 7 th NCAAL conference programs to:

Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, Director

Forsyth County Public Library

Winston Salem, NC 27105


Politics, Libraries and Culture: Historical Perspectives*


*Library History Round Table (LHRT) Research Forum, June 2010*

* *

The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association (ALA) seeks papers for its Research Forum at the 2010 ALA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., June 24-29, 2010. The theme of the Forum will be historical perspectives on the ways in which politics and libraries interact and influence one another. In this instance, politics should be considered broadly–not simply as concerning the administration of governments (international, national, state, local) but also the politics of other institutions and groups. Possible topics might be the effects politics have had on the history of libraries, archives, government documents and other cultural records. How have individual and institutional efforts of librarians influenced public policy pertaining to information access, reading, and services to the public? How have political concerns shaped the collection, preservation, availability and use of libraries and other repositories in different periods, locations, and jurisdictions? How have libraries, archives, and similar institutions tried to shape information politics and society through copyright law, the right to read, public library funding and other efforts?

LHRT welcomes submissions from researchers of all backgrounds, including students, faculty, and practitioners. Proposals are due on November 30, 2009. Each proposal must give the paper title, an abstract (up to 500 words), and the scholar’s one-page vita. Also, please indicate whether the research is in-progress or completed. Proposals should include the following elements: a problem or thesis the study addresses, a statement of significance, objectives, methods, primary sources used for the research, and conclusions (or tentative conclusions for works in progress).

From the submissions, the LHRT Research Committee will select several authors to present their completed work at the Forum. The program will be publicized in January 2010. So that the Forum’s facilitator may introduce and react to each author, completed papers are due June 4, 2010. The Research Forum will likely occur on Sunday, June 27, 2010. All presenters must register to attend the conference. For registration options, see ALA’s events and conferences page at .

*DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS*: November 30, 2009


Please submit proposals and direct inquiries to:

* *

*Melanie A. Kimball
LHRT Vice-Chair/Research Committee Chair*
*Simmons** College*
*Graduate School of Library and Information Science
300 The Fenway*
*Boston**, MA 02115*
Telephone: (617) 521-2795

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Academic Exchange Quarterly, Summer 2010, Volume 14, Issue 2:
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

The focus of this issue is on the process of learning. Submitted topics
may address questions such as those presented below:

   1. What does it mean “to learn”?
   2. What kinds of teaching strategies maximize student learning?
   3. How do affective factors such as feelings and emotions influence
   4. How do cognitive and environmental factors influence learning?
   5. Are there cognitive/affective interactions or
affective/environmental interactions or even cognitive/environmental
interactions that impact learning?
   6. What are the essential elements of effective teaching or effective

These are a few of the questions raised by the topic, the Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning. As teachers, we need to be not only masters of
our disciplines but also masters of the learning process. As
teacher-scholars, we investigate teaching strategies, pose hypotheses
about learning that can be tested, and assess outcomes in the context of
various disciplines and various learning paradigms. The result is a
reflective, on-going process and a “meta-pedagogy” that is dynamic.

Who May Submit:
Papers are invited that focus on issues and research related to this
“meta-pedagogy.” Subject areas might include classroom methods, teaching
technologies, assessment that enhances learning, strategies that promote
equal opportunity in the classroom, learning styles and beliefs,
outcomes-based learning, teacher effectiveness, the use of writing
journals or other approaches to represent and assess thinking processes,
meta-cognitive strategies used by teachers or students, and the use of
different models of learning such as constructivist or behaviorist.
Papers may represent investigations at any grade level, K-graduate
level. Please identify your submission with keyword: SCHOLAR-2

Submission deadline:
Any time until the end of February 2010; see details for other deadline
options like early, regular, and short -see
Early submission offers an opportunity to be considered for Editors’

Submission Procedure:

Feature Editor:
Dr. Betsy Eudey, Associate Professor of Gender Studies & Director of the
Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
California State University Stanislaus

The Catharine Stimpson Prize

Call for Papers

The Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship
The University of Chicago Press is pleased to announce the competition for the 2011 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship. �  Named in honor of the founding editor of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society , the Catharine Stimpson Prize is designed to recognize excellence and innovation in the work of emerging feminist scholars.

The Catharine Stimpson Prize is awarded biannually to the best paper in an international competition.  Leading feminist scholars from around the globe will select the winner.   The prize-winning paper will be published in Signs , and the author will be provided an honorarium of $1,000. All papers submitted for the Stimpson Prize will be considered for peer review and possible publication in Signs .

Eligibility:   Feminist scholars in the early years of their careers (less than seven years since receipt of the terminal degree) are invited to submit papers for the Stimpson Prize.   Papers may be on any topic that falls within the broad rubric of interdisciplinary feminist scholarship. Papers submitted for the prize must be no longer than 10,000 words and must conform to the guidelines for Signs contributors.   Guidelines for submission are available at .

Deadline for Submissions: � The deadline for submissions for the next Catharine Stimpson Prize is March 1, 2010

Please submit papers online at . Be sure to indicate submission for consideration for the Catharine Stimpson Prize in the cover letter. The honorarium will be awarded upon publication of the prize-winning article.

Papers may also be submitted by post to:

The Catharine Stimpson Prize Selection Committee

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society

Rutgers University

8 Voorhees Chapel

5 Chapel Drive

New Brunswick , New Jersey 08901

Congratulations to Seema Arora-Jonsson, winner of the 2009 Catharine Stimpson Prize for her essay Discordant Connections: Discourses on Gender and Grassroots Activism in Two Forest Communities, which will be published in the Autumn 2009 issue of Signs.

7th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science

The 7th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information
 will be held in Central London between 21 and 24 June 2010.

The conference theme is Integration in the Information Sciences: unity in
diversity. The conference will explore the integration and underlying unity of
the information sciences, as both academic disciplines and as work practices.
There will be a doctoral students’ forum and a information literacy research

Submissions (papers, posters, workshops/seminars) are invited by 22 January

Details are available at