Monthly Archives: November 2009

A. R. Zipf Fellowship in Information Management

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is soliciting applications for the A. R. Zipf Fellowship in Information Management for 2010.  The fellowship is awarded annually to a student currently enrolled in the early stages of graduate school who shows exceptional promise for leadership and technical achievement in information management.  The amount of the award is $10,000, and applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.  For applications and additional information, please go to



A collaborative project of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and
Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Center invites applications for its RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS for 2010-2011 from scholars and teachers at all levels of the educational system, as well as from artists, community organizers and political activists, both local and international. Associates are provided with offices in our spacious facility, faculty library privileges, and the collegiality of a diverse community of feminists. Research Associate applications are accepted for either a semester or the academic year. The Center supports projects in all disciplines so long as they focus centrally on women or gender. Research Associateships are non-stipendiary. We accept about 15-18 Research Associates per year.

Applicants should submit a project proposal (up to 4 pages), curriculum vitae, two letters of reference, and on-line application cover form. Applications received by February 8 (including letters of recommendation) will receive full consideration. Submit all applications to: Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075-6406. Deadline is February 8, 2010. For further information, contact the Center at TEL 413.538.2275, FAX 413.538.3121, email, website:

The Arts & Activism: Equality for All

Call for Proposals:

5th Annual Audrey-Beth Fitch Women’s Studies Conference

 “The Arts & Activism: Equality for All”

On Thursday, March 18th, 2010 the Women’s Studies Program at California University of PA is hosting the fifth-annual Audrey-Beth Fitch Women’s Studies Conference.

The conference is interdisciplinary, attracting students, scholars, professionals, and members of the community through the collection of assorted perspectives and theories.  The conference focus for this year will be the visual/performing arts.  Conference papers and presentations will inform, raise awareness, and motivate presenters and attendees to take action for change.  Our theme, “The Arts & Activism: Equality for All,” is seeking submissions from presenters with knowledge and/or expertise in the visual or performing arts, whose work utilizes a social justice or social activist lens, addressing issues of equality and identity, in the areas of race, class, gender, sexual orientation or identity, ethnicity, or other related topics.

This year’s keynote speakers will be “The Guerrilla Girls.”  These are “feminist masked avengers” similar to the anonymous do-gooders like Batman, Robin Hood and Wonder Woman.  By incorporating facts, humor and outrageous visuals, these women have highlighted some of the issues that exist in today’s society, including: sexism, racism and corruption in politics, art, film and pop culture.

We are interested in proposals representing diverse perspectives and theories that relate to the conference theme.  The conference is open to both scholarly presentations and demonstrations.  We welcome a variation of presentation formats, including: paper presentations, lecture demonstrations, lecture recitals, panel and roundtable discussions. Generally, presentations follow a panel format, with each speaker presenting for 15 minutes followed at the end with 15 minutes discussion. The format can be flexible according to submissions.  If the material for the presentation requires more time in the program, this should be mentioned in the proposal. All proposal submissions should include: 1) a 300-word (or less) abstract explaining the paper/presentation and how it addresses one or more of the focus areas of the conference; 2) a resume or curriculum vitae; 3) Specific technical equipment needed for the presentation.

Please send all submissions to:

Dr. Marta McClintock-Comeaux at<> with the subject line “2010 Women’s Conference.”  The deadline for submissions is December 4, 2009.

Feminism in Action :The 22nd Annual Conference on Women and Gender

Call for Sessions

Feminism in Action
The 22nd Annual Conference on Women and Gender
at the University of Connecticut, Storrs
Friday, March 26, 2010
Presented by the University of Connecticut Women’s Studies Program

This Conference will focus on the diverse, intersecting and even
contradictory ways that we practice (and at times fail to practice)
feminism through pedagogy, activism, art, scholarship and daily life .
The Conference committee is seeking proposals for papers, workshops,
artwork, performances, films, poster sessions, and other contributions
that raise more questions than provide answers about the struggles,
rewards and complexities of practicing feminism in a white patriarchal
world. The committee is particularly interested in local and community
action workshops and innovative modes of presentation that challenge
conventional conference dynamics such as using multimedia,
constructivist pedagogy, open space technology, engaging audience
participation, and enhancing opportunities for dialogue and feedback
during the conference day. 

Sessions are generally 75 minutes and consist of either a complete panel
as submitted or 2 – 3 separate papers. We hope particularly to highlight
the work of UConn students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
and those from other regional institutions.

For more information and the Call PDF, please visit the Women’s Studies

Questions can be directed to  

Review of submissions will begin on December 15, 2009. 
Kathleen Labadorf, Liaison Librarian, Women’s Studies
Undergraduate Services/Reference Librarian
University of Connecticut Libraries

National 3rd Annual Celebration of Latino Children’s Literature Conference: Connecting Cultures & Celebrating Cuentos

The University of Alabama’s School of Library and Information Studies is pleased to announce the National 3rd Annual Celebration of Latino Children’s Literature Conference: Connecting  Cultures & Celebrating Cuentos to be held in Tuscaloosa, AL on April 23-24, 2010. This exclusive conference was created for the purpose of promoting high-quality children’s literature about the Latino cultures and to offer a forum for librarians, educators, researchers, and students to openly discuss strategies for meeting the informational, educational, and literacy needs of Latino children and their families. Featuring nationally-acclaimed Latino literacy scholars and award-winning Latin@ authors and illustrators of children’s books, this Connecting Cultures & Celebrating Cuentos conference is truly an unforgettable experience.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: In keeping with the idea of celebrating Latino children’s literature and creating intercultural connections, we invite poster and program proposals that contribute to and extend existing knowledge in the following areas: Latino children’s literature, bilingual education, Latino family involvement in the school curriculum, Latino cultural literacy, library services to Latino children and their families, literacy programs utilizing Latino children’s literature, educational needs of Latino children, educational opportunities and collaborations with El d�a de los ni�os/El d�a de los libros (Children’s Day/Book Day), Latino children’s responses to culturally-responsive literature, social influences of children’s media on Latino youth, and other related topics. Presentations and posters can share recent research or provide practical suggestions for current or preservice librarians and educators.

PROGRAM PROPOSALS: To submit your program proposal, please provide the following information:  a 250 word (maximum) abstract of your presentation along with the program title;  the name of the program organizer; the names of all presenters and their affiliations along with their preferred contact phone, email, and address; and your preferred presentation day (Friday or Saturday) to conference chair Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo at Please be sure to put “program proposal” in your subject heading.

POSTER PROPOSALS: To submit your poster proposal, please provide the following information:  the title of your poster; a 200 word (maximum) abstract of your poster; the subject of your poster (choose Literature/Media Studies, Programs & Services in Libraries, Educational & Literacy Strategies, or Exemplary Programs); your name and affiliation; and your preferred contact phone, email, and address to conference chair Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo at Please be sure to put “poster proposal” in your subject heading.

 The deadline for proposal submissions is February 19th, 2010 with notification of acceptance by February 28th, 2010. Conference registration begins January 2010. Additional conference information will be available at that time via the conference website:

If you need additional information about the conference, please contact me at
Jaime Campbell Naidoo, Ph.D.
Assistant & Foster-EBSCO Endowed Professor
School of Library & Information Studies
University of Alabama
513 Gorgas Library  – Box 870252
Tuscaloosa,  AL 35487-0252
Phone: (205) 348-1518
Fax: (205) 348-3746

Call for Proposals: Re-Visiting the Lower East Side: A NYMASA Summer Institute

Call for Proposals:  Re-Visiting the Lower East Side: A NYMASA Summer Institute

The New York Metro American Studies Association (NYMSA) invites proposals for participants in a summer institute from June 14th to June 18th, on the theme Re-visiting the Lower East Side. This weeklong series for educators will allow participants to visit and re-visit New York’s Lower East Side (LES).  It will focus on the history of the LES as a site of immigration, urban development, architecture, commerce, and art as well as a site of fantasy and cultural tourism. Almost as long as immigrants and internal migrants have flooded into the LES to settle, survive, and create communities, readers and tourists have been curious enough about the LES to allow a culture of real and virtual cultural tourism to be sustained. The LES has been commercial as a neighborhood and has been commercialized for those not living there. The seminar will explore both aspects of LES history. The seminar will be interdisciplinary in nature, hoping to draw participants from immigration studies, urban studies, American studies, sociology, history, literature, theatre, women studies and other fields.

The institute is designed to bring together 15 scholars and teachers from the New York metropolitan area to engage in the study of the Lower East Side.  Our goal is to create an academic community that studies, reads about, and walks through the Lower East Side.

One segment of the institute will include visits to partnering organizations such as the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, the New-York Historical Society, and the Ellis Island Museum, in-depth tours of their exhibits, and discussions with curators about the issues that arise out of preserving histories of immigration in an area that bears the weight of so much personal and cultural memory. In visiting these cultural institutions, we hope to revisit not just the Lower East Side itself, but the narratives that have grown up around it.  The rest of the week will be taken up with seminar-style discussions of shared reading and writing workshops in which participants can present their own work and gain valuable peer analysis of their research in the field.

The instituted is sponsored by an American Studies Association Regional Chapters grant and hosted by Hunter College, CUNY.  The cost of the week will be $100, and will partly cover breakfasts and lunches and admission to all cultural events.  NYMASA is not able to provide accommodations for participants.

Proposals should include: a current cv; a writing sample, ideally on a relevant topic (scholarly, pedagogical, or creative writing are equally acceptable); and a cover letter outlining the applicant’s interest in the institute, current project, and possible intellectual contributions to the group.  Please send two copies of all materials by January 31st, 2010 to Sarah Chinn, English Department, Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065.

The institute is open to educators of all kinds, including doctoral students and college and university faculty; K-12 teachers are encouraged to apply.

 For more information, please contact either Sarah Chinn at or Hildegard Hoeller at

Australian Women’s and Gender Studies Conference

Adelaide 2010

June 29th: post grad day.

June 30th – July 2nd conference.

Emerging Spaces: New Possibilities in Critical Times

Keynote Speakers: Professor Angela Mc Robbie, University of London; Professor Dorothy Broom, Australian National University; Professor Lyn Parker, University of Western Australia.

Also in conjunction with the conference Professor Aileen Morton Robinson (Queensland University of Technology) will deliver the inaugural South Australian Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Public Lecture.

Call For Papers

In a time of rapid social, economic and political transition this conference calls for consideration of the meaning and possibilities of change for gender in Australia and internationally. We invite papers on themes including (but not limited to):

-Indigenous women and political change

-Global feminisms

-Asian women and women in Asia

-Feminist activism/politics

-Feminist economics

-Gender in technology & science

-Feminist models of governance

-Gender and Health

-Migration and gender

-Gender and youth cultures

-Gendered landscapes



-Arts / Creative spaces

-Gender and the media

-Gendered violence
Abstracts for oral presentations of 20 minutes duration should include:

Title of the paper, name and institutional affiliation of author(s), and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Contact details for presenter (postal address, phone, fax and email) and a brief biographical note about author/s -100 words.

Abstracts should be sent as an e-mail attachment to:<>

Deadline: 5pm Monday 1st February 2010.

Further information about the conference can be accessed at:

or e-mail

Visualization Aesthetics, Criticism, and Design

Call for Papers

HTML Version of this Call:


SPECIAL ISSUE on Visualization Aesthetics, Criticism, and Design
Int’l Journal of Creative Interfaces & Computer Graphics (IJCICG)

Guest Editor: A. Ursyn, University of Northern Colorado

The International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer
Graphics (IJCICG) is currently accepting submissions: research
papers (between 5,500 to 8,000 words in length), position
papers, state-of-art surveys, book reviews of new publications
pertaining to the journal’s theme (1,500-2,500-word), and event
reports that describe and discuss recent conferences or workshops
for a special issue on Visualization Aesthetics, Criticism,
and Design. Preference is placed on submissions that incorporate
scholarly work or specific themes within the area of Visualization
Aesthetics, Criticism, and Design.


The objective of the issue is to focus on ­ and draw attention to
– two fields which are currently active and growing: Visualization
Aesthetics and Criticism (how information aesthetics influence
technical implementations and their usability) and Design
Visualization. The theme for the special issue will be focused on
the use of metaphors (conceptual, natural, visual, and auditory
metaphors) both in visualization and digital art.

Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are
not limited to) the following:

* Visual explanations, and data visualization
* Meaning visualization
* Artist’s approach to meaning visualization, conveying insights
  about complex concepts
* Challenge and aesthetic quality in visualization art ­
  digital art as metaphor
* Aesthetic elements and primitives in visualizations
* Approaches to visualization: iconic messages, use of symbols,
  metaphors, cognitive, abstract thinking and problem finding
* Art and visualization of spatial, tonal, and temporal domains,
  application of interactive art
* Selecting optimal visualization tools for non-linear, visually
  storytelling, interactive, virtual, intelligent presentations,
  gaming, and other solutions
* Novel visual, interaction-rich metaphors used for visualization
  or practical data mining
* Societal impact and evaluation of novel visualization and data
  mining solutions
* Information aesthetics, visualization aesthetics
* Effects of visualization aesthetics on efficiency and usability
  of information visualization
* Aesthetics of infographics
* Visualizations for learning and teaching
* Aesthetic computing
* Visual computing
* Information technology (IT) in visualization, visualization for
  instruction with IT
* Criticism, perception in the field, classification
* History of data-, information-, knowledge-visualization, and
  data mining

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
Special Issue on Visualization Aesthetics, Criticism, and Design on
or before July 1, 2010. All submissions must be original and may
not be under review by another publication.
All submitted papers will be reviewed in double-blind fashion.
Papers must follow the APA style for  reference citations
Word is the preferred format.

The submission deadline is July 1, 2010. However, long abstracts
or proposals may be emailed to the Guest Editor who will offer
feedback as to whether the proposed manuscript would be appropriate
for the issue. Approval of an abstract or proposal does not
constitute acceptance as all submitted papers will be put through
the double-blind peer review process.

All submissions should be directed to the attention of:

Anna Ursyn
Guest Editor
Int’l Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG)

ABOUT The International Journal of Creative Interfaces and
Computer Graphics (IJCICG):
The International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics
(IJCICG) provides coverage of the most innovative and cutting-edge
computer graphics and interfaces. IJCICG focuses on the latest visual
technologies that raise the bar for novelty, aesthetic beauty,
sophistication, and utility. This scholarly resource encompasses
the pragmatic and research aspects surrounding the design and creation
of effective, novel, visual interfaces in support of creativity and
productivity. This journal presents research that shows new ways of
representing and interacting with information on desktops, mobile
devices, and public and virtual spaces.

This Journal is Available in the Comprehensive InfoSci-Journals
Database. International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer
Graphics (IJCICG) This journal is an official publication of the
Information Resources Management Association

Editor-in-Chief: Ben Falchuk, Ph.D.
Published: Semi-Annually (both in Print and Electronic form)
The International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics
(IJCICG) is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.),
publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea
Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference”, “Business
Science Reference”, and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints.
For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit

A Library Slice of Life

The Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Pennsylvania Library Association invites proposals for posters to be displayed at the Chapter’s annual conference, which will be held on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA.

The theme of this year’s conference is A Library Slice of Life. Share a slice of your library’s life with a poster highlighting those programs and best practices that make your library special.

Poster proposals should be submitted as Word documents and e-mailed to by Wednesday, December 16, 2009.

2010 Library Research Round Table Forums at ALA Annual Conference, Washington, DC

Call for Presentation Proposals

2010 Library Research Round Table Forums at
ALA Annual Conference,
Washington, DC

The Library Research Round Table (LRRT) will sponsor two Research
Forums at the 2010 American Library Association Annual Conference in
Washington, DC (June 24-29).  The LRRT Forums are a set of programs at
the ALA Annual Conference featuring presentations of LIS research, in
progress or completed, followed by discussion.  Two LRRT Research
Forums are scheduled for 2010, one on general LIS research and one on a
more specific topic that will emerge as we evaluate the submissions.
The two forums are:

Research to Understand Users: Issues and Approaches
This session will feature three library-related research papers
investigating users and their use of libraries and information.  An
LRRT committee will select the winning papers based on quality of study
design, significance of the research topic, and potential for
significant contribution to librarianship. 

Four-Star Research
This session will feature three library-related research papers
describing studies of libraries and librarianship.  An LRRT committee
will select the winning papers based on quality and creativity of study
design, significance of the research topic, and potential for
significant contribution to librarianship. 

This is an opportunity to present and discuss your research project
conducted in the broad area of library and information science or in a
more specialized area of the field. LRRT welcomes papers emphasizing
the problems, theories, methodologies, or significance of research
findings for LIS.  Topics can include, but are not limited to, user
studies and user behavior, electronic services, service effectiveness,
organizational structure and personnel, library value determination,
and evaluation of library and information services.  Both completed
research and research in progress will be considered.  All researchers,
including practitioners from all types of libraries, library school
faculty and students, and other interested individuals are encouraged
to submit proposals.  LRRT Members and nonmembers of LRRT are invited
and welcomed to submit proposals.

The Committee will use a blind review process to select a maximum of
six projects, three for each of the two forums.  The selected
researchers will be required to present their papers in person at the
forums and to register for the conference.  Criteria for selection are:

1.      Significance of the study to library and information science
2.      Quality and creativity of the methodology;
3.      Potential to fill a research gap or to build on previous LIS studies;
4.      Adherence to submission requirements (see below).

Please submit a two-page proposal by Tuesday, December 15, 2009.  Late
submissions will not be considered, and submissions must be limited to
two pages in length.  On the first page, please list your name(s),
title(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact information
(telephone number, mailing address, and email address).  The second
page should NOT show your name or any other identifying information. 
Instead, it must include: 1) The title of your project, and 2) A
500-word or less abstract.  The abstract must include a problem
statement, problem significance, project objectives, methodology, and
conclusions (or tentative conclusions for work in progress), and an
indication of whether the research is in-progress or completed.
Previously published research or research accepted for publication by
December 15, 2009, will not be considered.

Notification of acceptance will be made by Monday, February 22, 2010.
Please send submissions (via email or snail mail) to:

Linda L. Lillard, Ph.D.
Library Research Round Table Chair-Elect
Associate Professor
205 Carlson Library
Department of Library Science
Clarion University
Clarion, PA  16214
Phone: 814-393-2383

Larry Nash White, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Library Science
Mail Stop 172
1005 10th Street
102 Umstead Building
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
P: 252-328-2315 Fax:252-328-4368