Academic Exchange Quarterly-Web-based Teaching

Journal Articles are needed for Academic Exchange Quarterly.

Featured Editors: Alys Jordan and Matt Buckley

Manuscripts that address the following questions are sought.

1. What are the best methods to help faculty to successfully teach in
this environment?
2. What are the most effective teaching practices, methods, and
strategies for this environment?
3. What instructional design processes and techniques are the most
successful in developing high quality Web-based distance education
4. How do we support students in this environment to ensure their success?
5. What are the most innovative uses of technology to deliver courses
in this environment?

Who May Submit:
Ideal contributors will be those who teach Web-based distance
education courses or who are responsible for various elements of these
courses. This can include faculty, librarians, administrators,
instructional designers, graduate students, and various other academic
personnel. Please identify your submission with keyword in the subject
heading of your email: DISTANCE-4

Manuscript format and guidelines are available here:

Submit Manuscript to and in the subject
heading indicate:  DISTANCE-4

If you have additional questions contact: Alys Jordan
( or Matt Buckley (

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