Monthly Archives: June 2012

Always the Beautiful Question: Inquiry Supporting Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice (ALISE)


International Library Education SIG

Jan, 22-25, 2013

Seattle, WA


The International Library Education SIG invites individual paper proposals.  The conference theme is “Always the Beautiful Question:  Inquiry Supporting Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice.”  Paper proposals related to the conference theme and any aspects of international library education are invited for inclusion in an International Library Education SIG panel submission.  Proposals will be accepted from both SIG members and non-members.  Please submit your name, title of paper, and 75-word abstract by July 13, 2012 to SIG convener Rhonda Clark,

Cripping Feminist Outrage

CFP: Cripping Feminist Outrage (9/7/12)

In an effort to continue the conversation at SEWSA 2012 about making
feminist dis/ability studies a more prominent component of Women’s and
Gender Studies in the U.S. Southeast, papers are solicited for a proposed
panel at the Southeastern Women’s Studies Association conference at
UNC-Greensboro, April 18-20, 2013. The theme of the conference is
“Outrage!: Discourses, Practices, and Politics of Protest and Social
Transformation.” This panel will consider the ways crip feminism might
contribute to such a theme. The definition of “cripping feminist outrage”
is open for interpretation, and potential panelists are invited to be
creative, playful, sassy, strident, irate, “mad,” or any combination of the
above in formulating these paper proposals. Likewise, a wide range of
genres is acceptable: creative nonfiction, critical media studies, literary
analyses, theoretical inquiries, philosophical treatises, and fierce
polemics are all welcome.

Email abstracts of approximately 100 words, along with a CV, to Merri Lisa
Johnson ( by September 7, 2012. For more details
about the conference, see For more information about
this organization, see

EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

Be a Speaker at the EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

January 16-18, 2013 • Baltimore | Call for Proposal Deadline: August 8, 2012

The call for proposals is open. Start preparing your proposal now!

Calling all forward-thinking higher education leaders and IT professionals! Help us create a timely, diverse, and content-rich program by proposing a session for next year’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, “People + Process + Technology: IT Matters.”

The 2013 Mid-Atlantic program committee welcomes speaker presentation proposals for discussion sessions, workshops, and traditional presentations focused on any of the following topics:

  • Data: Managing Information, Content, and Assessment
  • Experience IT
  • Mobile Anything, Anywhere, Anytime
  • New Frontiers in Teaching and Learning
  • People Matter: Professional and Career Development
  • Working Together: Partnerships and Collaboration

Submit a proposal to present at the conference January 16-18, 2013, in Baltimore. The deadline for submissions is August 8. 

We’ll focus on the value technology brings to higher education even as the environment around us continues to change. If you have experience in a key topic area above, we invite you to share your story with the greater community. 

Call for Proposal Resources

The resources below have been developed to help you create a successful proposal:

For more information go to

FACRL 2012: Outside the Box: Building Academic Library Partnerships

October 18-19, 2012

Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hotel information (select Ft. Lauderdale Campus)



Call for proposals:


The Florida Association of College and Research Libraries invites you to submit proposals for presentations and poster sessions on the theme, Outside the Box:  Building Academic Library Partnerships.  


Today‘s libraries are reaching out to their campus communities in new and creative ways.  Some librarians are collaborating with their course management system administrators to integrate library resources directly into online courses. Others are working with faculty and campus legal counsel in new ways as they launch institutional repository programs and begin to grapple with the many intellectual property issues that emerge. Some have collaborated with their alumni offices to extend new services to their graduates.  Do you have an experience to share about working with people outside of the library to create new synergies and services?  We want to hear about them! 


Submit a proposal for a presentation or poster session by July 31, 2012 online at   Acceptance e-mails will be sent on or before August 15, 2012.  Inquiries may be sent to the FACRL President, Johanna Tunon, at tunon@NOVA.EDU.


Please note the following:

         All  sessions will be allotted 45 minutes for the presentation and questions.

         Time management issues generally limit each presentation to two to three speakers. 

         All presenters must register and pay for the conference.



Proposals may be submitted by a single speaker or a panel of speakers.  To have your presentation or poster session considered for the 2012 FACRL Annual Conference, please go to the online submission form link provide:


         Type of program (presentation or poster session)

         Proposal title

         Proposal abstract (200 words or less)

         Contact information for all presenters

         Short bios for all presenters (200 words or less)

Online Northwest

Online Northwest

February 8, 2013
Call For Proposals – Deadline October 15, 2012

Online Northwest is a one-day conference focusing on topics that intersect libraries, technology and culture. The conference is sponsored by the Oregon University System Library Council.

The 2013 conference will be held at CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (on the Oregon State University campus) on Friday, February 8, 2013.

The conference explores how technology is applied within library settings and its impact on access and services for patrons.
Academic, public, school, and special librarians are strongly encouraged to submit proposals.

Online Northwest seeks 45-minute presentations or 5-minute lightning talks on all topics relating to technology and libraries including:

  • Information discovery 
  • Institutional repositories
  • Mobile computing
  • Electronic books and e-readers
  • Linked data and the Semantic Web
  • Cloud computing
  • Virtual research environments
  • User Experience Design
  • Web 3.0
  • Library apps
  • Technology competencies
  • Augmented reality
  • Other topics related to technology in libraries are welcome!

Submit Proposals:
Proposal Submission Deadline: Monday, October 15, 2012

For more information and examples of past presentations, see:

Twitter: (#onw13)

Ethnic Archiving in the U.S. and Canada

Forthcoming volume in the series Archives, Archivists, and Society.
Identity Palimpsests: Ethnic Archiving in the U.S. and Canada

Series editor: Richard J. Cox.
Publisher: Litwin Books, LLC, Los Angeles, CA
Volume editors: Dr. Dominique Daniel, Assistant Professor, Humanities Librarian for History and Modern Languages, Kresge Library, Oakland University (daniel [at] and Amalia S. Levi, Ph.D. student (2014), iSchool, University of Maryland (amaliasl [at]

Deadline for submission of abstracts: August 30, 2012

Format: Contributions should be approximately 7,000 words (for theoretical contributions), and approximately 3,500 words (for practical contributions), prepared in Word, and should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, notes and bibliography documentation system.


Litwin Press invites original papers for a new volume in its Archives, Archivists, and Society series. The book’s main objective is to assess the ways ethnic identities and other forms of belonging are affected by, and also affect, current practices in ethnic archiving. The book will both provide a historical overview of the ways ethnic organizations and communities have collected, preserved and provided access to their heritage; and examine contemporary practices and theories in the context of a cultural heritage sector that is today defined by the digital medium and the Web. For the purpose of this book institutions involved in ethnic archiving may include libraries, archives, historical societies and museums that document the history of immigration and ethnicity in the United States and Canada. The book will contain both theoretical and practical contributions by practitioners in the field and scholars in history and archival science.

Archives shape the way we understand the past and we see the future. This has repercussions for the construction, writing, and representation of minority and diaspora histories in the North American context. Considering the variety and diversity of ethnic populations in North America, these repercussions reach beyond the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans as well. In an age of citizen-archivists, and citizen-historians, the changing ways we understand authority in archival settings signal a paradigm shift. Archivists and historians are called to reexamine and redefine their roles and professions in this process, while ethnic minorities have explored new, culturally specific and technology-rich ways to preserve, promote and display their heritage.
Archival science has long challenged the image of the archivist as a neutral guardian of the historical record and recognized her role as an active shaper of archives, but historians have yet to discuss implications for historical research. We invite contributions that bring new theoretical insight into the impact of the “archival turn” on ethnic archiving, that suggest ways historical research may be affected, and that begin to outline implications for the archivists’ practice. Contributions that explore the impact that archivists have on the very ethnic identities they are trying to preserve are particularly welcome.

Theoretical contributions

At the theoretical level, the contributions can adopt a contemporary or historical perspective. Topics can include, but are not limited to:  
• the impact of ethnic studies and evolving theories of ethnicity on archiving practices
• new developments in archival theory that have or could have implications for ethnic archiving
• the effects of ethnic archiving on historical research, and
• the emergence of memory and postcolonial studies as lenses for understanding identity formation, and diversity in a post-9/11 world.

Practical contributions

For practical contributions, essays that do not only focus on particular institutions, but also provide comparative studies among cultural heritage institutions will be preferred. Practical contributions could deal with heritage institutions run by minorities themselves, and also others run through mainstream or official channels (government, academic, etc.). Topics include, but are not limited to:
• what is ‘ethnic archiving’ today and who should be entrusted with the curation of ethnic collections in heritage institutions
• the purposes of archiving for ethnic minorities
• methods of ethnic archiving, and
• web and digital technologies that have been used in innovative ways for ethnic archiving.


Please send 500-word abstracts and a brief CV with relevant publications by August 30.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by September 30, 2012.
Accepted authors should submit articles for review by January 30, 2013.
Deadline for submission of final articles with revisions is March 30, 2013.

For more information or questions, please contact Dominique Daniel (daniel [at] or Amalia S. Levi (amaliasl [at]
The text is also available at

This month, the Women’s National Book Association launched its first
annual Writing Contest. Prizes are $250 in the categories of Poetry
and Fiction as well as publication in the Bookwoman, WNBA’s official

The contest flyer is attached. You may also see details on our

Please distribute widely! The deadline is Oct. 30.

WNBA is a non-profit, 501c3 organization. All proceeds will pay for
the prizes and to support WNBA literacy and outreach programs.

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (JERL) E-Resource Round Up” column

Headed to ALA or another professional conference this summer? Please consider sending reports on programs dealing with electronic resources in libraries to the “E-Resource Round Up” column for volume 24, number 4 of the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (JERL).


The “E-Resource Round Up” column is dedicated to helping JERL readers better understand topics related to the ever-changing world of electronic resources and their roles in libraries. It covers developments in the areas of new and emerging technologies and systems related to electronic resources and the digital environment; reports from professional discussion groups, meetings, presentations, and conferences; news and trends related to electronic resource librarianship; tips and suggestions on various aspects of working with electronic resources; opinion pieces; vendor activities; and upcoming events of potential interest to JERL readers.


Your contribution to the column does not have to be lengthy, and could be on any of the topics listed above. This could be an ideal opportunity for you to report on sessions you attended that may benefit others in our profession.


The editors would like to receive contributions to the column by Friday, August 10, 2012.


If you have a submission or questions, please contact the column editors:


Bob Wolverton

Mississippi State University Libraries

(662) 325-4618


Karen Davidson

Mississippi State University Libraries

(662) 325-3018  


Handbook of Research on Teaching and Learning in K-20 Education


Proposal Submission Deadline: June 30, 2012

A Handbook edited by Victor C. X. Wang, Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University, USA


To be published by IGI Global:


In the 1970s, and even 1980s, scholars and practitioners in the United States debated on the divide between pedagogy (k-12 education) and andragogy (beyond k-12 education). Few would disagree with the distinction that Malcolm Knowles made between the education of children and the education of adults. However, after years of research and practice, scholars and researchers began to advocate the idea that it is acceptable to practice pedagogy in adult education and to practice andragogy in children’s education. After all, learners young or old acquire knowledge almost the same way via the same senses.  Pedagogy was defined by Knowles as the art and science of teaching children, whereas he defined andragogy as the art and science of helping adults learn.  After intensive and extensive analysis and critiques of the theory of pedagogy and the theory of andragogy, Knowles, hailed as the father of adult education, did make the concession by saying “I don’t see andragogy as an ideology at all but as a system of assumptions about adult learners that needs to be tested out for different learners in different situations”.  “Different learners” in Knowles’ terms should include pre-adults, or children.  The general agreement in education is that the more senses we involve in learning, the better we learn. The question remains why we need the distinction between the education of children and the education of adults.  The distinction is significant in the sense that, although children and adults learn the same way, the context in which adults learn should be substantially different from the context in which children learn due to the varied characteristics that adult learners possess.  To a certain extent, pedagogy and andragogy represent two different ways of learning. In addition, pedagogy and andragogy offer two distinctively different teaching methodologies just as Knowles emphasized; that is, the helping role of teachers in andragogy and the teaching role of instructors in pedagogy.

It is adult educators who argue that self-directed learning is one of the core characteristics of adult learning. Specifically, they posit that adults have a self-concept of being responsible for their own lives and their own learning. However, Knowles also noted that many adults expect to be taught using teacher-centered methods and it is incumbent upon the adult educator to help adults transition from dependent to self-directed learners. It is human nature to start out as dependent learners when newly introduced to a subject and move to being interested, involved, and finally self-directed learners. Then, it does not make any sense to separate K-12 education from adult education or vice versa. Around the globe we still have departments of K-12 education and departments of lifelong learning, but many universities have merged these two departments and have made one big department that includes programs in K-12 education, higher education, and adult education. The rationale behind this merger is the idea that students in these programs will receive a “well rounded” education in what we call K-20 education. The education of children and adults is a continuum of lifelong education. One stops receiving education when one stops breathing. No wonder we see “lifelong education” or lifelong learning” in the mission statements of many grade schools or high schools. Teaching and learning are inseparable processes in K-20 education. To achieve effective teaching, teachers must be engaged in learning first. On the job training, workplace learning, and professional development provide learning opportunities for professional teachers in K-20 education. Likewise, it is K-20 education that molds our learners to become productive citizens of the world. After one successfully completes K-20 education by exploring a variety of diplomas or degrees or teaching credentials, one’s learning journey has just begun. The joy of learning and the challenges of learning lie just ahead of every learner.

The availability of information via the Internet and Web 2.0 technologies that connect users across thousands of miles is changing education at all levels.  At the local, national, and international levels, more K-20 programs are being delivered electronically, providing needed convenience and flexibility for learners while saving money for schools at all levels. To accommodate the learning needs of children and non-traditional age students, universities must deliver these programs via cutting edge technologies. K-12 schools do not want to lag behind universities. Some are delivering their courses electronically.

While we have many books on adult education and books on the education of children, most of these books address the differences between pedagogy and andragogy. To date, there has never been a book on teaching and learning in K-20 education. Technology is discussed in books on andragogy or books on pedagogy. Few books deal with the integration of technology in K-20 education. Since the merger of these educational programs is the new trend in colleges of education in universities, both scholars and administrators at all levels need a comprehensive book on teaching and learning in K-20 education. Such a reference source will serve as a premier resource for teacher and learning in this field (although separated in the past, it should never be separated in the new century). Such a book will provide ample opportunities for scholars and practitioners in K-12 education, higher education, and adult education to contribute their pertinent and significant research to K-20 education as the newly evolved field in education in the new century.  No longer should educators depend on K-12 education theories to educate children or andragogy to educate adults. We are searching for teaching and learning theories that can be applied to both adults and children while acknowledging the distinctive differences. Such a book will provide a well-rounded education to students of all ages.   This publication will serve as an exhaustive compendium of this community’s expertise, research, skills, and experiences. Authors with a background K-12 education, higher education, and adult education are welcome to send your chapter proposals to the editor. 

Objective of the Handbook

The Handbook of Research on Teaching and Learning in K-20 Education will feature full length chapters (7,000-11,000) authored by leading experts offering an in-depth description of key terms and concepts related to different areas, issues and trends in K-20 education worldwide. Additionally, this volume will provide a compendium of terms, definitions and explanations of concepts, processes and acronyms.







Topics to be discussed in this publication include (but are not limited to) the following:


         Historical considerations of K-12 education

         Philosophical foundations of K-12 education and its added value

         Historical considerations of higher education

         Philosophical foundations of higher education and its added value

         Historical considerations of adult education

         Philosophical foundations of adult education and its added value

         Theories of K-20 education and their contributions to the economy

         Practice of K-20 education and its repercussions for the economy

         K-20 education and innovative technology

         K-20 education and globalization

         Partnerships between business and K-20 education providers

         Partnerships between governments and K-20 education providers

         Development and sustainability of “learning societies”

         Teaching theories in K-20 education

         Learning theories in K-20 education

         Research examining the impact of K-20 education on local, national, and international economies

         K-20 education and important education acts such as Nation At Risk Report, No Child Left Behind

         Perspectives from international organizations on policies relating to K-20 education

         Current funding sources for K-20 education programs and innovative alternatives for current systems (for example, Open Badges)

         Critical teaching and learning issues in K-20 education


Submission Procedure


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before June 30, 2012 a chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by July 25, 2012 through August 15, 2012 about the status of their proposals and sent c guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by October 30, 2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.




This handbook is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit  This publication is anticipated to be released in 2013.



Important Dates

June 30, 2012: Proposal Submission Deadline

July 25 – August 15, 2012: Notification of Acceptance

October 30, 2012: Full Chapter Submission

December 31, 2012: Review Results Returned

January 15, 2013: Final Chapter Submission

January 31, 2013: Final Deadline

Editorial Advisory Board Members:


Valerie Bryan, Florida Atlantic University, USA

Patricia Cranton, University of New Brunswick, Canada.

Sandra Daffron, Western Washington University, USA

George Denny, University of Arkansas, USA

John Henschke, Lindenwood University, USA

Kerry Lee, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Catherine McLoughlin, Australian Catholic University, Australia

Vivian Mott, East Carolina University, USA

Pat Maslin-Ostrowski, Florida Atlantic University, USA

Judith Parker, Columbia University, USA

Robert Shockley, Florida Atlantic University, USA

Lawrence Tomei, Robert Morris University, USA

Teresa Torres-Coronas, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain


Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) to:

Chunxue V. Wang at


Innovation in Libraries 2012

Innovation in Libraries 2012
A Free Post Conference event after LITA Forum
Invitation and Call for Proposals

Do you love exploring new ideas? Always secretly wished you knew more about how to create an app? Wonder what the next wave of library innovation might be?
If you answered yes, then Innovation in Libraries 2012 is for you. The event will happen after LITA Forum concludes on Oct. 7, and will continue through the morning of Oct. 8. Sponsored by OCLC and held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library Main Library, Innovation in Libraries 2012 is your chance to hear from experts and colleagues, and contribute your ideas. Library innovation of all flavors will be on tap; you are invited.
To register and learn more about Innovation in Libraries 2012, go to:

Proposals requested
Whether you plan to attend LITA Forum or not, you are encouraged to share your innovations, ideas and instructive failures with fellow attendees at Innovation in Libraries 2012. There are three (3) potential ways to participate:
   20 minute sessions These are your standard presentations where you showcase the interesting work you’re doing at your library/consortium, etc
   5 minute lightning talks These are pecha kucha-style sessions designed to have 20 slides each
   1 hour breakout session leader Brush up your group facilitation skills by volunteering to lead a breakout discussion on a specific topic. Examples include:

1 Building apps for tech services
2 Building apps for discovery layers
3 Library integration with nonlibrary functions
4 Nonlibrary apps and “what’s out there”
5 Your interesting topic here….

Potential themes
The following topics might get your creative juices flowing:

  • App ideation and creation
  • Apps usage and outcomes, results
  • Using APIs and Web services
  • Platform usage
  • Building a staff culture of creativity
  • Building useful tools for your library
  • Widgets, gadgets, plug-ins
  • Strategies to help staff innovate
  • Strategies to help users innovate

Basically, share something interesting, include a technical angle and explain how it helped your library/users/libraries worldwide in the process.
Submit your proposal at by 31 July 2012.
Registration for Innovation in Libraries 2012 is open now, at All accepted proposals will also need to register separately for the event, which is free to all attendees.


Andrea Schurr

WorldShare Platform Community Manager

OCLC, 6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH 43017


skype: andrea-schurr