Monthly Archives: October 2012

Journal of Web Librarianship special issue: data driven decision-making

The Journal of Web Librarianship is pleased to announce an upcoming special
issue on the topic of data-driven decision making for the library web, edited
by Meris A Mandernach.

Data-driven decision-making in the realm of library web sites is an emerging
and ever-evolving goal for libraries of all types and sizes. As data becomes
more available and easily accessible, the use of that data for decision making
to support the user experience in online systems, discovery tools and websites
is of the utmost importance.  Though both qualitative and quantitative data
should be used for informing decisions in libraries, this issue’s scope will
focus on quantitative data sources such as:

�           Web analytics, including Google Analytics

�           Log reports (search logs, system logs)

�           Heat maps

�           Vendor usage reports

�           Third-party statistics and logs

�           Public data from Twitter and other social sites

Additionally, this issue will focus on how data from the above sources is used
to support decisions about all aspects of the library’s virtual presence,

�           Discovery tools

�           Library websites

�           Library systems

�           Mobile sites and interfaces


Submissions should clearly state one or more research questions or, for more
practical articles, a decision that was or will be supported by the data, and
explain the type of data sources used.

Query letters and preliminary proposals are welcome any time if potential
authors would like to discuss their ideas with the issue editor. Please submit
queries and manuscripts to guest
editor Meris Mandernach at Please refer to the JWL web
site, for Instructions for Authors.

Meris Mandernach is Head of Research Services at The Ohio State University
Libraries.  She has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics
related to reference, usability testing, discovery systems, and chemistry
information literacy.

Issue Timeline:
Initial Manuscript Submission deadline: January 31, 2013
Notices to authors: April, 2013
Final Acceptance: June, 2013
Issue Publication: October, 2013

The Journal of Web Librarianship
Meris Mandernach, Special Issue Editor
Jody Condit Fagan, Editor
Website: jwl/

Collaborative Librarianship


Collaborative LibrarianshipPublication of Volume 4, Issue 3 (2012)             

October 26, 2012 – (Denver CO) – The open access journal, Collaborative Librarianship, (eISSN: 1943-7528) has published the 3rd issue of Volume 4.  Scholarly (peer reviewed) articles cover post cancellation entitlement issues related to the JISC Collections in the United Kingdom, and e-book workflow and access processes at a large academic library.  A “From the Field” report discusses data-based analyses of an expanded interlibrary loan system.  This issue introduces a new columnist, consultant Lori Ayre with The Galecia Group, who explores library computing and technology issues.  One review covers a new book on international students and academic libraries, and another explores the open access digital resource, “World Digital Library.” Co-General Editor, Valerie Horton, has recently been appointed Director of Minitex, the large library consortium serving the northern Midwest USA.  Congratulations to Valerie.  She remains Co-General Editor.


Collaborative Librarianship: Call for Papers and Reviews – Is your library collaborating with another library in your community?  Are you involved in some interesting, innovative or experimental aspect of library collaboration?  Is your library exploring or implementing resources or services that build on, promote, or expand the scope of library collaboration?  Are you reflecting on the methodology, theory or philosophy of why and how librarians, libraries or library consortia work together?  If so, we would like to hear from you!  Please consider submitting articles for “peer review” or “From the Field” sections of Collaborative Librarianship.  Submissions can be made directly through the CL website. Issues will be published in March, June, September and December each year, and deadlines for submissions are 4 months in advance of publication. 


Collaborative Librarianship: Call for Participation Consider joining the groundswell of support for library collaboration: volunteer to become a peer reviewer for the scholarly, open access, online journal, Collaborative Librarianship.  All related subject/interest areas are welcomed.  To register as a peer reviewer, please go to the home page, click “Register” tab, and provide the information requested. (Email address and other information given are strictly confidential and for use only by Collaborative Librarianship.)  You can also contact directly the Co-General Editors, Ivan Gaetz: or Valerie Horton:

Collaborative Librarianship: Statistics: by the end of October, 2012 the total number of views/downloads for the journal topped 200,000.


Follow Collaborative Librarianship on Facebook and Twitter

Participate in the conversation.  Join the over 684 Facebook “fans” of Collaborative Librarianship (, and follow CL on Twitter at!/collab_lib .


European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL)


October 22-25, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

ECIL is Organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and Department of Information and Communication Sciences of Zagreb University. It is an international conference supported by Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, Information Literacy Section of IFLA and many other prestigious universities, associations, and organizations actively involved in media and information literacy.



Paul G. Zurkowski is the originator of the term “information literacy“. He first used this term in 1974 in a proposal to the US National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. At the time he coined the term he was president of the Information Industry Association. His vision for information literacy skill development is not library centric, but advocates for a universal approach in its delivery across all trades, occupations and professions. Zurkowski views information literacy skills as a critical stepping stone in the creation of wealth, a key element for national economic development.

Dr Christine Bruce is Professor in the Information Systems School, Science and Engineering Faculty, QUT, Australia.  She has an extensive research and publication profile in information literacy and higher education teaching and learning. Dr. Bruce has a special focus on information literacy and learning. She regularly facilitates workshops and delivers speeches on information literacy. In 2010 Dr. Bruce received the Library Board of Queensland Award for her contributions to information literacy research and education.


Aim & Scope  

Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Lifelong Learning being the main theme, ECIL aims to bring together researchers, information professionals, media specialists, educators, policy makers, employers and all other related parties from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current issues, recent developments, challenges, theories, and good practices.



Main topics of the Conference include (but not limited with) the following:

  • Information literacy and lifelong learning
  • Information literacy in theoretical context (models, standards, indicators, etc.)
  • Information literacy and related concepts (transversal competencies, media literacy, civic literacy, transliteracy, metaliteracy, e-literacy, digital literacy, computer literacy, scientific literacy, visual literacy, digital empowerment, etc.)
  • Media and information literacy (MIL) as a new concept
  • Information literacy research (methods and techniques)
  • Information seeking and information behavior
  • Information literacy good practices
  • Information literacy networks and networking
  • Information literacy policies and policy development
  • Information literacy and libraries (college and university libraries, school libraries, public libraries, special libraries)
  • Information literacy and LIS education
  • Information literacy and knowledge management
  • Information literacy across disciplines
  • Information literacy in different cultures and countries
  • Information literacy in different contexts (juristic, health, etc.)
  • Information literacy and education (Bologna Process, etc.)
  • Planning strategies for information literacy training (promotion and marketing, training the trainers, partnership, collaboration across professions, teacher education, integrating into curricula)
  • Information literacy instruction (teaching techniques and methods, instructional design, curriculum development, measurement and evaluation, Web-based training, e-learning)
  • Information literacy education in different sectors (K-12, higher education, vocational education)
  • Information literacy in the workplace
  • Information literacy for adults
  • Information literacy for disadvantaged groups
  • Information literacy for multicultural societies
  • Information literacy and ethical and social issues
  • Information literacy and democracy
  • Information literacy and citizenship
  • Information literacy and digital divide
  • Information literacy and emerging technologies and tools (Web 2.0, Web 3.0, mobile technologies)
  • Information literacy in the future


Important Dates


First Call: July 2012

Second Call: October 2012

Third Call: December 2012

Submission deadline for contributions: 1 February 2013

Notification of acceptance: 5 April 2013

Deadline for submitting final versions: 15 May 2013

Conference sessions: 22-24 October 2013

Conference tour: 25 October 2013


Abstarct & Paper Submission

The conference will be composed of several types of contributions, such as full papers, posters, PechaKucha, best practices, workshops, panels, special sessions, doctoral forum, each has different requirements and restrictions regarding the length, time allocation and content. Contributions should be prepared using the templates available through the Conference web site and submitted electronically via the conference management system by February 1, 2013. Contributions will be peer-reviewed and the authors will be notified of the outcome by April 5, 2013. Final copies of the accepted contributions should be sent in by May 15, 2013, in order for them to be included in the book of abstracts. Selected papers will be published in proceedings book and refereed journals. At least one of the authors should register online via Conference web site and take part at the conference.




If you wish to receive updates on ECIL 2013 you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


Serap Kurbanoğlu, Co-chair of the Standing Commitee and Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

Sonja Špiranec, Co-chair of the Standing Committee and Chair of the Programme Committee

Conference Secretariat:

Organization Office: ARBER Profesional Tourism and Congress Services,

Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter

The Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter ( invites you to submit a proposal to present at our 2013 Annual Conference. This event entitled “Communities in the Cloud, the Commons, and the College” will be held Friday, May 10, 2013 at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Whether you call it engagement, outreach, or ‘adding value,’ academic libraries connect with their users in meaningful ways that build community. They create collections, services, and spaces that bring people together and encourage creative inquiry, discourse, and collaboration. At their best, academic libraries are sites for developing the shared sense of purpose and place that is at the heart of academic life. Collaborative collection building with faculty and students, embedded librarianship, support for research and collaboration, first-year experience programs, and development of the academic commons are just a few ways that librarians connect users with the library and with one another. How does your library build community?

We are seeking innovative thinkers and doers to offer presentations, panel discussions, interactive sessions, posters, and “show-and-tell” booths to share creative ideas and initiatives on how our libraries can build communities in higher education.

For suggested topics and instructions for submitting a proposal, follow this link:

The deadline for proposal submission is midnight on Friday, November 30, 2012. Questions should be directed to Karin Heffernan (, Lisa Palmer (, Alan Witt (, or Carol Will (


LOEX Graduate Student and Fellow Proposals

The Nashville LOEX Committee invites 1) graduate students in library and information science programs and 2) library fellows and residents to submit proposals to host a poster session at the 41st Annual LOEX Conference, May 2-4, 2013.

The deadline to submit poster session proposals is January 25, 2013.  More details, including the proposal submission form, can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact Melinda Brown at



ACRL 2013 Conference Call for Poster Proposals

ACRL 2013 Conference Call for Poster Proposals
Got an innovative library-based project, best practices to solve a problem, or unique research findings? Consider sharing them in a poster session! Posters should be an eye-catching visual representation of a topic, including graphics, tables, charts, text, and images. Presenters can communicate additional details via online handouts. Presenters share their ideas with colleagues as attendees circulate during one hour time blocks in the poster session area, located in the exhibits hall. Since space is limited at a poster session, a maximum of two presenters per poster at any one time is recommended. The Poster Session Committee looks for topics that will engage attendees during repeated presentations.
Potential topics can be seen in the program tags that are included on the proposal instructions page (link below). Poster topics from underrepresented categories are of particular interest.  Here are some examples:
* cataloging & technical services
* collections projects 
* preservation projects
* digitization
* data management and services 
Use the application form to sell your idea in a short, dynamic summary and provide a more complete discussion of the contents for the reviewers.  Please plan to submit an electronic version of your poster so that it can be posted online with conference handouts. Submissions are due by November 9, 2012.
Questions should be directed to Margot Conahan at or call (312) 280-2522.
Your ACRL 2013 Poster Sessions Committee
Theresa S. Byrd (co-chair)
Michelle Baildon
Clinton Baugess
Latrice Booker
Jackie Borin
Angela Boyd
Rosemary Del Toro
Amy Gullen
Michael J. Krasulski
William Lund
Joan Plungis (co-chair)
Gene Springs
Mary Strife
Joel Thornton
Amy Van Epps

Second Workshop on Educational Approaches for Integrating Bioinformatics into Computer and Life Science


“Second Workshop on Educational Approaches for Integrating Bioinformatics into Computer and Life Science” (WEAIB 2013)

In conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science 2013 (ICCS 2013)

5 – 7 June 2013

Barcelona, Spain


***Submission Deadline:  15 January 2013***


Workshop co-chairs:

Mark Pauley (University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA)

Bill Tapprich (University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA)


Bioinformatics is a rapidly-emerging discipline in which computational techniques are applied to genetic information in order to produce biological knowledge.  The essential nature of bioinformatics is well-recognized in graduate programs, research consortia and biotechnology industries.  This workshop provides a venue for educators and researchers from the life and computer sciences to explore the integration of bioinformatics into the life sciences as well as strategies for presenting bioinformatics as an interesting problem domain for computer scientists.  Also of interest are innovative ways of introducing bioinformatics as a scientific discipline and career path to pre-college students and teachers.  Specific topics include, but are not limited to

– Course content

– Curriculum structure

– Curricular goals and objectives

– Course development

– Content modules

– Pedagogical approaches

– Pedagogical issues of open/distance education

– Integration of undergraduate research

– Development/experience with majors/concentrations

– Building and sharing education resources

– Use of technology as a way to enhance teaching and learning

– Ways of introducing bioinformatics to pre-college students and teachers

– Industrial partnerships

– Articulation agreements

– Non-academic training

– Attracting under-represented groups

More information can be found workshops page of the ICCS 2013 website ( and at the workshop website (  Submissions pertaining to all levels of instruction, from course modules to entire curricula, and at all levels of interest are welcome.



Papers (Postscript/source) must be submitted through the conference’s paper submission system ( camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of Procedia Computer Science (  Papers must not exceed ten pages in length when typeset using the Procedia format.  Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the workshop’s Program Committee; final decisions will be made by the workshop co-chairs.  Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.  ICCS is an ERA 2010 A-ranked conference series.



– Full paper submission:  15 January 2013 (note that this is different than the main track deadline)

– Notification of acceptances:  10 February 2013

– Early registration begins:  10 February 2013

– Camera ready papers:  1 March 2013



Mark A. Pauley, Ph.D.

6001 Dodge Street, PKI 282A

School of Interdisciplinary Informatics

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Omaha, NE 68182, USA

Phone:  (402) 403-0361  Fax:  (402) 554-3284


William E. Tapprich, Ph.D.

6001 Dodge Street, AH 114D

Department of Biology

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Omaha, NE 68182, USA

Phone:  (402) 554-3380  Fax: (402) 554-3532


Learning and Leading with Technology, Educational Innovation

L&L needs submissions for our Point/Counterpoint and Readers Respond departments! We are looking for arguments on both sides of the question “Does the U.S. education system support innovation?” Please respond by November 1.

Few dispute that we could use a few more innovators like the late Steve Jobs to drive our economies and our imaginations forward. But how do we help today‘s students become tomorrow‘s innovators? Some critics of the U.S. education system claim that it was designed with the needs of an industrial age society in mind and is not well suited to develop the skills necessary for success in the digital age. Others, however, point out that more innovators have come out of the U.S. educational system than any other system in the world. What do you think?

Point/Counterpoint essays are relatively informal. For an example of what we’re looking for, check out the September/October Point/Counterpoint. We need one essay of approximately 400 words on each side of this issue, so consider either defending your argument passionately or playing the devil’s advocate, rather than arguing down the middle.


If you don’t have time to write an entire essay on this subject but still would like to weigh in, feel free to post a 25- to 50-word response on some aspect of this issue, and we may choose an excerpt to publish in our Feedback from the Field section. Please include your name, job title, city, state or province, and country.


And if you don’t have time to write anything but do have an opinion, take part in our Reader’s Poll on this topic on the L&L page of ISTE’s website.


To enter, post your essay on the discussion forum titled “Does the U.S. education system support innovation?” on L&L’s group page on the ISTE Community Ning. Please include some form of contact information.


If you’re not already a member of the ISTE Community Ning, you will be prompted to register. Don’t worry–it’s fast, easy, and free. It may take a day or so to approve your membership; sorry–we do this to prevent spam. Once you are approved, go to the Groups page and click on the L&L logo to join our group. As a bonus, you can read our regular content, including updates on the magazine and discussion forums about hot ed tech issues.


If your Point/Counterpoint essay is selected, we’ll contact you for a high-resolution photo and a short (35-word) bio in addition to your 400-word essay. If you don’t hear from us, keep an eye out for an excerpt from your response in the Readers Respond section of L&L. Thanks in advance for a stimulating discussion!


Best regards,

Andra Brichacek

Associate Editor

Learning & Leading with Technology Magazine (L&L)

International Society for Technology in Education





Reference Services Review special issue on student retention

Due to the timing of other RSR issues, our issue is going to be published in May 2013 which means we are able to extend the submissions deadline. For those who have submitted — thank-you and please be patient with our new timeline. For those who were unable to meet the original October deadline, we hope that this extension is good news!
Here is the official CFP:

Reference Services Review (RSR) is seeking authors to write on the theme of the role of the library in campus-wide retention efforts – Volume 41 Number 2, will be published in May 2013. First drafts of manuscripts will be due by December 3, 2012. Manuscripts are evaluated using a double-blind peer review process. Authors can expect to work on major and /or minor revisions in January 2013.

The journal is pre-published through Emerald EarlyCite and issues are made available before the official publication date.

More details about the journal, including author guidelines are at:

With national attention focused on performance levels of higher education institutions, many colleges and universities are focusing on Retention, Progression, and Graduation (RPG) efforts.  While the campus library is often included in tours when new potential students are recruited, the library and its services are an integral part of retaining those students and helping them progress toward graduation.

In this issue of RSR, the intersection of the library with these larger campus wide efforts will be explored.

Paper topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • The role of the library with Summer Bridge or College Transition programs
  • Library involvement in new student recruitment
  • Research demonstrating a connection between information literacy instruction and student success
  • Role of the library in retention of specific student populations (distance, nontraditional, at-risk, etc)
  • Non-academic programming in libraries (working with other campus agencies)
  • Academic success of student library workers

The co-editors for this special issue are: Anne Barnhart and Andrea Stanfield from the University of West Georgia.

Please send expressions of interest, abstracts, or inquiries to:

Reference Services Review (RSR)
 is a quarterly, refereed, international journal dedicated to the enrichment of reference knowledge and the advancement of reference and library user services.
RSR covers all aspects of reference and library user services, including
reference, instruction, and user service design, delivery, management
and assessment;  marketing and communication; user populations;
electronic services; virtual reference services; cooperative reference
services; existing and emerging technologies and their intersection with
service design and delivery; service forecasting; standards, guidelines
and best practices;  performance of reference and user services
providers; and professional competencies for reference and user services

RSR prepares its readers to understand key trends and to respond to critical
challenges affecting reference functions, instructional services and the
information needs of library users.  RSR contributors draw on current
research and practice; their own considerable expertise, experience and
perspectives; and the expertise of their home communities to identify
issues, practices and technologies that are relevant to service design,
delivery, management and assessment.

RSR articles include research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, case
studies, literature reviews, and reviews of previously published
research on a wide number of topics. Commentary, including
point/counterpoint articles, is also welcome. Mini theme and theme
issues support the more detailed exploration of topics. A diverse mix of
authors and contributors enhance the journal’s value, as does an
international team of editorial advisors.

Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice (PaLRaP)

Pa Library Association Launches Scholarly, Open Access Journal; Submissions Now Being Accepted

Mechanicsburg, PA – The College and Research Division (CRD) of the Pa Library Association (PaLA) launched a scholarly, open access journal. The journal, which was introduced at the PaLA annual conference in Gettysburg on October 1, will share information about the research and practices taking place in Pennsylvania’s academic libraries.

The journal, Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice (PaLRaP), will be peer reviewed by members of the Pennsylvania library community and will be freely available online for anyone to read.

The first issue will be published in March 2013 and will be available at the journal’s website: The journal is now accepting submissions for research, practice, and commentary articles and for news items for the March 2013 issue. Guidelines can be found on the journal website, and the priority submission date for consideration for publication in the upcoming issue is January 15.

The journal will initially be published two times per year (March and October) and will provide an opportunity for librarians in Pennsylvania to share their knowledge and experience with practicing librarians across the Commonwealth and beyond. Readers will be exposed to the unique and valuable work of librarians in Pennsylvania that may not be published elsewhere in the library literature. PaLRaP will include research, practice, commentary, and news articles from all areas of librarianship, with a special focus on activities in Pennsylvania’s academic libraries. Open access to the journal will ensure that submissions are distributed widely and freely to all interested readers. When available, audio and video content will supplement text based documents.

The scholarly community in the U.S. and beyond is making a move toward open access content so that research is made freely available to everyone. PaLA joins a group of library associations across the country that offer their own scholarly, open access journals; this group includes the Association of College & Research Libraries and the Medical Library Association.

This journal is run by a volunteer staff of CRD members, each with two year terms in various journal management positions. The journal is published by the University Library System (ULS), University of Pittsburgh, through its E-Journal Publishing Program.

For more information, visit or contact