We invite papers for a special issue of Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal on the theme of gender and Jesuit higher education. Topics may include: history, spirituality, pedagogy, workplace issues, the relationship of faith and justice, women’s influence in Jesuit higher education, masculinity (e.g., in Jesuit spirituality and pedagogy), sexuality, and so forth.
JHE includes a range of reflection, scholarship, praxis and resource submissions:
Articles of inspiration, aspiration and motivation
Peer reviewed articles on a wide range to topics germane to the unique qualities of Jesuit higher education: covers a broad scope of writing, from data gathering and analysis, to professional reflection and critique, to theory and philosophy, studies of history, studies based on literature review, and advances in teaching and learning in higher education
Articles, not peer reviewed, that focus on the practice of teaching and the experience of learning
Open access web-based materials that educators in Jesuit institutions of higher learning
may find helpful in their vocations as teachers, or in understanding more fully Jesuit higher
education, or in gaining insight into Jesuit spirituality
How to Submit Your Article to JHE
Please submit your manuscript online at www.jesuithighereducation.org
If you are a new author, please create a Username and Password. If you are a returning author or already have a Username and Password, use the JHE website to submit additional manuscripts or check the status of current submissions.
Please submit your article for the Fall 2014 issue by August 1, 2014.
About JHE
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (JHE) is a scholarly online, open access journal. An initiative of Regis University, JHE is scholarly and peer reviewed, and focuses on the development, advancement and critique of higher education in the Jesuit tradition. JHE provides publishing opportunities for faculty and scholars at Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States and abroad and publishes twice a year in spring and fall.
Email Deb Halley at dhalley@regis.edu or contact guest editors Julia Brumbaugh (jbrumbau@regis.edu) and Kari Kloos (kkloos@regis.edu)