Monthly Archives: December 2014

ACRL Women & Gender Studies Section Career Achievment and Significant Achievement Awards

The ACRL Women & Gender Studies Section is accepting nominations for two Awards. WGSS awards are given annually to honor distinguished academic librarians who have made outstanding contributions to women and gender studies through accomplishments and service to the profession. The awards recognize those who have made long-standing contributions to the filed during a career (the Career Achievement Award) and those who have made significant one-time contributions (the Significant Achievement Award.) Selection criteria for the Awards:

The WGSS Career Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship is designed to honor individual career achievement in women & gender Studies librarianship. Nominees should have demonstrated sustained achievement in one or more of the following areas:
Service within the organized profession through ACRL/WGSS and/or related organizations; Academic/research library or archival service in the area of women & gender studies; Research and publication in areas of academic/research library or archival services in women & gender studies; Planning and implementation of academic/research library or archival programs in women & gender studies disciplines of such exemplary quality that they could serve as a model for others.

The WGSS Award for Significant Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship recognizes one-time achievement, by an individual or a group, during the particular year of the award. Achievement may be in any area of academic women & gender studies librarianship, including, but not limited to: Publication of a monograph, journal article, website or media product; Talk or other presentation at a nationally recognized conference;  Innovations in women & gender Studies librarianship, including but not limited to instruction; Development of an exemplary program, collection, digitization project, or access tool to serve women & gender studies students and/or faculty; Significant creative & innovative contribution to the work of the ACRL Women & Gender Studies Section.

Additional information and nomination forms are available on WGSS Awards Page . Please send your questions and completed nomination materials to Heather Tomkins Deadline January 9, 2015.

Journal of Applied Learning Technology (JALT)

The Journal of Applied Learning Technology (JALT) publishes original papers of interest to our readers.  Articles that provide new knowledge and perspectives on the latest interactive technologies as applied to training, education and job performance improvement are solicited from knowledgeable professionals in industry, government, military, public education and academia. Subjects include ways to implement technology, descriptions of education and technical skills applications, e-learning, enterprise management, and instructional systems design, security issues and knowledge management systems.

How to Submit: Please review the Guidelines for publication on the SALT website at (please follow the guidelines carefully).

Email proposed articles as a Word Doc attachment to

Considerations for publication include:

Clearly expressed ideas of interest to readers

  • Current literature foundation or action research report or essay on hot topic
  • Discussion of results and implications for practice or policy

Topics of interest include:

Mobile Computing

  • Using effective e-Learning and engaging distance learning for the enterprise
  • Pervasive computing devices and other ubiquitous computing technologies — from laptops to tablet PCs to PDAs to smartphones
  • Virtualization, Process Migration, Thin-client Computing, Network Mobility
  • Utilization of Mobile Enterprise Servers
  • Mobile Computing’s Impact on Workforce Productivity
  • Mobile Enterprise Asset Management Systems
  • User interfaces and systems design
  • Mobile Authoring Tools


Knowledge Management Systems

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • LMS Interaction with other Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
  • LMS Interoperability standards (SCORM, AICC, IMS, IEEE)
  • Talent Management Systems
  • Knowledge Management (KM) systems for operations improvement
  • Purchasing KM systems vs outsourcing (ASPs)
  • Implementing/Managing the Knowledge Management System


Instructional Systems Design

  • Blended Learning strategies
  • Strategies to address remote learners
  • Implementing Accessibility into e-Learning
  • Authoring tools
  • Evaluation processes and assessment techniques
  • ISD for the Enterprise and Performance Improvement
  • Prototyping in the development process
  • Business cases for learning measurement
  • Acquiring metrics and developing budgets
  • Good Practice for Cyber Security
  • Web-Based Learning Systems Development


Gaming and Simulation

  • Online Games
  • Agent-Based gaming, Avatars, and Distributed environments
  • Game-based Learning
  • Simulations and Games for Strategy and Policy Planning
  • Military Applications
  • Simulations Utilizing Problem Solving Tools
  • Customizable, Computer-based Interactive Simulations
  • Simulation gaming for Management Training


Training Applications

  • Training in Virtual Worlds
  • Return on Investment (ROI) and Improved Productivity
  • Integrated Enterprise Learning and Performance Improvement
  • e-Learning, e-Training and Executive Training
  • Age friendly environments
  • Case Studies and Best Practices
  • Content and Technology Interoperability Issues
  • Creating New Learning Organizations
  • Cloud Computing and its Impact & Application
  • Impact & Use of Social Media Platforms
  • Communities of Practice


How to Submit: Please review the Guidelines for publication on the SALT website at (please follow the guidelines carefully).


Email proposed articles as a Word Doc attachment to


2015 National Digital Stewardship Residencies (Library of Congress and Institute of Museum and Library Services)

The Library of Congress and the Institute of Museum and Library Services announce the official open call for applications for the 2015 National Digital Stewardship Residency, to be held in the Washington, D.C. area. Applications opened Dec. 17 and will close on January 30, 2015. To apply, go to this USAJobs link.

For the 2015-16 class, five residents will be chosen for a 12-month residency at a prominent institution in the Washington, D.C. area. The residency will begin in June 2015, with an intensive week-long digital stewardship workshop at the Library of Congress. Thereafter, each resident will move to his or her designated host institution to work on a significant digital stewardship project. These projects will allow them to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills involving the collection, selection, management, long-term preservation, and accessibility of digital assets.

The five institutions, and the projects they will offer to NDSR residents, are:

  • District of Columbia Public Library: Personal Digital Preservation Access and Education through the Public Library
  • Government Publishing Office: Preparation for Audit and Certification of GPO’s FDsys as a Trustworthy Digital Repository
  • American Institute of Architects: Building Curation into Records Creation: Developing a Digital Repository Program at the American Institute of Architects
  • U.S. Senate Historical Office: Improving Digital Stewardship in the U.S. Senate
  • National Library of Medicine: NLM-Developed Software as Cultural Heritage

The inaugural class of the NDSR was held in Washington, D.C. in 2013-14. Host institutions for that class included the Association of Research Libraries, the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the Library of Congress, the University of Maryland, the National Library of Medicine, the National Security Archive, the Public Broadcasting Service, the Smithsonian Institution Archives and the World Bank.

“We are excited to be collaborating with such dynamic host institutions for the second NDSR residency class in Washington, D.C.,” said Library of Congress Supervisory Program Specialist George Coulborne. ” In collaboration with the hosts, we look forward to developing the most engaging experience possible for our residents. Last year’s residents all found employment in fields related to digital stewardship or went on to pursue higher degrees. We hope to replicate that outcome with this class of residents, as well as build bridges between the host institutions and the Library of Congress to advance digital stewardship.”

“At IMLS we are delighted to continue our work on and funding support for the second round of the NDSR,” said Maura Marx, IMLS Deputy Director for Library Services. “We welcome the new hosts and look forward to welcoming the new residents to all the opportunities this program presents.”

To qualify, applicants must have a master’s degree or higher academic credential, graduating between spring 2013 and spring 2015, with a strong interest in digital stewardship. Currently enrolled doctoral students also are encouraged to apply. Applicants must submit a detailed resume and cover letter, their undergraduate and graduate transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and a creative video that explains an applicant’s interest in the program. Visit the NDSR application website for more information.

The residents chosen for NDSR 2015 will be announced by early April 2015. For additional information and updates regarding the National Digital Stewardship Residency, see the program website.

The Office of Strategic Initiatives, part of the Library of Congress, oversees the NDSR for the Library and directs the overall digital strategic planning for the Library and the national program for long-term preservation of digital cultural assets, leading a collaborative institution-wide effort to develop consolidated digital future plans, and integrating the delivery of information technology services.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums. The institute’s mission is to inspire libraries and museums to advance innovation, lifelong learning and cultural and civic engagement. The institute’s grants, policy development and research help libraries and museums deliver valuable services that make it possible for communities and individuals to thrive. To learn more about the institute, visit

Founded in 1800, the Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution. It seeks to spark imagination and creativity and to further human understanding and wisdom by providing access to knowledge through its magnificent collections, programs and exhibitions. Many of the Library’s rich resources can be accessed through its website at

Oxford Education Law Symposium

Call for papers

We are pleased to invite you and your institution to participate in our OXFORD EDUCATION LAW SYMPOSIUM, which will be held 18, 19 March 2015 at the Oxford Union in Oxford, UK.

You are invited to present a paper on an aspect of education law, or you may wish to attend as an observer. The Oxford Conference is a special focus session of the 6th Oxford Education Research Symposium.

Lydia Allen


Oxford Education Research Symposium


Accelerate Learning: Racing into the Future

2015 AECT International Convention
Indianapolis, Indiana
November 3November 7  2015


AECT’s mission includes “promoting scholarship and best practices in the creation, use, and management of technologies for effective teaching and learning in a wide range of settings.” The AECT international convention provides an opportunity for the sharing of research and experiences as we strive to advance our field and develop future leaders within the profession.

You are invited to present at the 2015 AECT International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana and to share your expertise and knowledge with your peers and those emerging in our field. The broad applications of our profession within a variety of dynamic settings (including global ones), challenge us to modify and expand our approaches to instructional design, learning, and how we define our community. Major shifts in learning, scholarship, research, and social networking continue to precipitate a need for sharing, discussion, and leadership to identify the opportunities these shifts present to us as professionals. The AECT International Convention brings together participants from around the world offering practical applications, cutting-edge research, hands-on workshops, and demonstrations of the newest technologies and teaching/ learning techniques in the field. Take this opportunity to connect with your peers at the 2015 convention in Indianapolis!

This year’s convention theme is Accelerate Learning: Racing into the Future. This convention serves as a celebration of our profession as AECT represents the practicing professional, the emergent professional, iconic contributors to our field, and the contemporary leaders of our field. AECT divisions and affiliates emphasize the research and practical applications of instructional design, distance learning, multimedia development, school media, teacher education, systemic change, and training and performance across an increasingly diverse professional community. Join us once and you will join us again!


Click here to learn more and submit your proposal soon!