Community, Diversity, and Education:
Academic Librarianship in Challenging Times
will be held in conjunction with Congress of the Humanities and Social
Sciences 2018 at University of Regina, Saskatchewan, 29-31 May, 2018
(Preconference 28 May, 2018)
CAPAL18 provides an opportunity for academic librarians to critically examine
and discuss the ways in which collaboration, respect for differences, and
professionalism empower us at a time when the values of our profession are in
danger of being eroded, both within our universities and within the wider
world. It is time to consider the role of academic librarianship in a
changing world and the ways in which academic librarians can challenge the
corporatization of our universities and libraries, institutional inequities,
and the attempts to deprofessionalize academic librarians.
Papers presented might relate to aspects of the following themes (though they
need not be limited to them):
— Challenges to academic status for librarians
–The identity of academic librarians in uncertain times
— Challenging racism in Canadian universities
–The role of academic librarians in the changing academic library environment
and culture
–The ways in which professionalism intersects with race and gender, and how
it may reinforce institutional power dynamics
–Challenges to academic freedom and intellectual freedom
–Challenges to academic integrity in a “fake news” and anti-science world
–The roles and responsibilities of academic librarians in Reconciliation
–Resisting the corporatization of universities and academic libraries
–Confronting barriers to diversity in academic libraries
The Program Committee invites proposals for individual papers as well as
proposals for panel submissions of three papers. Proposed papers must be
original and not have been published elsewhere.
• Individual papers are typically 20 minutes in length. For individual
papers, please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words and a presentation
title, with a brief biographical statement and your contact information.
• For complete panels, please submit a panel abstract of no more than
400 words as well as a list of all participants and brief biographical
statements, and a separate abstract of no more than 400 words for each
presenter. Please provide contact information for all participants.
• Incomplete proposals or proposals that exceed the requested word count
will not be considered.
Please feel free to contact the Program Committee to discuss a topic for a
paper, panel, or other session format. Proposals should be emailed as an
attachment as a .doc or .docx file, using the following filename conventions:
• Lastname_Keywordoftopic.docx
Proposals and questions should be directed to the Program Chairs, Lorna Rourke and Laura Koltutsky, at
Deadline for Proposals is: 22 December, 2017
Further information about CAPAL 2018 and Congress 2018 are available at: &
Please note: The University of Regina is pleased to offer the Congress 2018
Graduate Student Travel Awards (, funded by the President’s Planning Committee for Congress 2018. Fully-qualified graduate students and recent PhD graduates will be able to apply for a subsidy of up to $500 towards accommodation, meal, & bookstore credits to facilitate participation at Congress 2018.