ACRL DVC Fall 2018 Program

When: October 26, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Where: Drexel University’s Learning Terrace

Theme:  Librarians as Advocates:  Leading Activism on Your Campus and Beyond

This program seeks to provide insight into the activism and advocacy work being done in libraries in higher education across the Delaware Valley region. In times of inequity, discrimination, and social injustice, libraries have the opportunity to be institutions of resistance, understanding, and hope. We are bringing together librarians who would like to share how they have incorporated democracy, equity, intellectual freedom, and privacy into their projects and collaborations to advocate for their communities.  Successful proposals will demonstrate an analysis of the underlying power structures that motivate their efforts. Whether your advocacy work takes the form of outreach projects, pedagogical techniques, systems or application development, cataloging practice, or collaborative projects, we would like to give you the opportunity to share your work and its impact with colleagues.

Topics should be related to library leadership in social change including:

  • Services for students with marginalized identities, including documentation status
  • Poverty, food insecurity, or homelessness
  • Voter registration and electoral issues
  • Social, mental, and health-related services
  • Access and textbook-related services
  • Library-related legislation
  • Privacy
  • Diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Workplace fairness and rights issues

The deadline to submit is September 10 with notification by September 15, 2018.

Submission Information

Proposals must include the following information:

  1. Proposal title
  2. Names, affiliations, positions, and email addresses of the presenters
  3. Preferred presentation format
    1. Option A – 10-minute lightning round presentation only
    2. Option B – 10-minute lightning round presentation and roundtable facilitation.
  4. A 250-word summary of the topic you wish to present including the points you intend to make and the way(s) you intend to engage the audience, if applicable

To propose a session please visit:

Questions? E-mail Jess Denke at

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