Tag Archives: journals publishing

Journal of Web Librarianship special issue: data driven decision-making

The Journal of Web Librarianship is pleased to announce an upcoming special
issue on the topic of data-driven decision making for the library web, edited
by Meris A Mandernach.

Data-driven decision-making in the realm of library web sites is an emerging
and ever-evolving goal for libraries of all types and sizes. As data becomes
more available and easily accessible, the use of that data for decision making
to support the user experience in online systems, discovery tools and websites
is of the utmost importance.  Though both qualitative and quantitative data
should be used for informing decisions in libraries, this issue’s scope will
focus on quantitative data sources such as:

�           Web analytics, including Google Analytics

�           Log reports (search logs, system logs)

�           Heat maps

�           Vendor usage reports

�           Third-party statistics and logs

�           Public data from Twitter and other social sites

Additionally, this issue will focus on how data from the above sources is used
to support decisions about all aspects of the library’s virtual presence,

�           Discovery tools

�           Library websites

�           Library systems

�           Mobile sites and interfaces


Submissions should clearly state one or more research questions or, for more
practical articles, a decision that was or will be supported by the data, and
explain the type of data sources used.

Query letters and preliminary proposals are welcome any time if potential
authors would like to discuss their ideas with the issue editor. Please submit
queries and manuscripts to guest
editor Meris Mandernach at jwl.data@gmail.com. Please refer to the JWL web
site, http://www.lib.jmu.edu/org/jwl for Instructions for Authors.

Meris Mandernach is Head of Research Services at The Ohio State University
Libraries.  She has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics
related to reference, usability testing, discovery systems, and chemistry
information literacy.

Issue Timeline:
Initial Manuscript Submission deadline: January 31, 2013
Notices to authors: April, 2013
Final Acceptance: June, 2013
Issue Publication: October, 2013

The Journal of Web Librarianship
Meris Mandernach, Special Issue Editor
Jody Condit Fagan, Editor
Email:           jwl.data@gmail.com
Website: http://www.lib.jmu.edu/org/ jwl/

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (JERL) E-Resource Round Up” column

Headed to ALA or another professional conference this summer? Please consider sending reports on programs dealing with electronic resources in libraries to the “E-Resource Round Up” column for volume 24, number 4 of the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (JERL).


The “E-Resource Round Up” column is dedicated to helping JERL readers better understand topics related to the ever-changing world of electronic resources and their roles in libraries. It covers developments in the areas of new and emerging technologies and systems related to electronic resources and the digital environment; reports from professional discussion groups, meetings, presentations, and conferences; news and trends related to electronic resource librarianship; tips and suggestions on various aspects of working with electronic resources; opinion pieces; vendor activities; and upcoming events of potential interest to JERL readers.


Your contribution to the column does not have to be lengthy, and could be on any of the topics listed above. This could be an ideal opportunity for you to report on sessions you attended that may benefit others in our profession.


The editors would like to receive contributions to the column by Friday, August 10, 2012.


If you have a submission or questions, please contact the column editors:


Bob Wolverton

Mississippi State University Libraries

(662) 325-4618



Karen Davidson

Mississippi State University Libraries

(662) 325-3018          



Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication

Call for Papers

The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (ISSN 2162-3309) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access publication for original articles, reviews and case studies that analyze or describe the strategies, partnerships and impact of library-led digital projects, online publishing and scholarly communication initiatives. View the inaugural issue at http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/

The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication provides a focused forum for library practitioners to share ideas, strategies, research and pragmatic explorations of library-led initiatives related to such areas as institutional repository and digital collection management, library publishing/hosting services and authors’ rights advocacy efforts. As technology, scholarly communication, the economics of publishing, and the roles of libraries all continue to evolve, the work shared in JLSC informs practices that strengthen librarianship. The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication provides a shared intellectual space for scholarly communication librarians, institutional repository managers, digital archivists, digital data managers and related professionals.

The journal welcomes original research and practitioner experience papers, as well as submissions in alternative formats (e.g. video, datasets, code).

General topics of interest include:

    Scholarly communication
    Open Access
    Library as publisher and library/press partnerships; including, but not limited to:
        Emerging modes and genres of publication
        Organizational and business models
    Policy issues; including, but not limited to:
        Publishing/deposit mandates
        Impact of governmental or institutional policy
        Policy development for library services
    Digital collection management
    Institutional and discipline-specific repositories
    Digital curation
    Technological developments and infrastructure
    Intellectual property
    Resources, skills, and training
    Interdisciplinary or international perspectives on these issues

Contributions may be submitted to any of the following categories:

    Research Articles
    Practice Articles
    Theory Articles
    P2 (Post-Peer) Review
    Reviews of Books and Products

(For full descriptions of these categories, see http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/authors.html)

Grey literature (e.g. conference papers, presentations, white papers, etc.) may be revised and submitted for review and publication in JLSC if all copyrights still reside with the submitting author(s). Submissions that are substantially similar to material already available to the public (through a peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed venue) will not be accepted, but may be proposed as the focus of a P2 (Post-Peer) Review.

For more information about JLSC, please visit http://jlsc-pub.org/


Editors, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication

Isaac Gilman
Scholarly Communications & Research Services Librarian
Pacific University
Voice: 503.352.7209


Marisa Ramirez
Digital Repository Librarian
California Polytechnic State University
Voice: 805.756.7040

Collaborative Librarianship

 Collaborative Librarianship: Call for Participation

Consider joining the groundswell of support for library collaboration: volunteer to become a peer reviewer for the scholarly, open access, online journal, Collaborative Librarianship.  All related subject/interest areas are welcomed.  To register as a peer reviewer, please go to the home page, click “Register” tab, and provide the information requested. (Email address and other information given are strictly confidential and for use only by Collaborative Librarianship.)  You can also contact directly the General Editor, Ivan Gaetz: igaetz@regis.edu

Call for Papers – Are you involved in some interesting, innovative or experimental aspect of library collaboration?  Is your library exploring or implementing resources or services that build on, promote, or expand the scope of library collaboration?  Are you critically reflecting on the methodology, theory or philosophy of why and how librarians, libraries or library consortia work together?  If so, we would like to hear from you!  Please consider submitting articles for “peer review” or “From the Field” sections of Collaborative Librarianship.  Reader responses to articles and opinion pieces also are welcomed. Submissions can be made directly through the CL website. Issues will be published in March, June, September and December each year, and deadlines for submissions are 4 months in advance of publication. 


Collaborative Librarianship – on Facebook and twitter

Participate in the conversation.  Join the over 500 Facebook “fans” of Collaborative Librarianship (http://www.facebook.com/CollaborativeLibrarianship), and follow CL on twitter.



Ivan Gaetz, General Editor, Collaborative Librarianship

Regis University, 3333 Regis Blvd. Mail Code D-20

Denver CO 80221-1099                                                         303-458-3556

igaetz@regis.edu                                             collaborativelibrarianship.org

Next Generation Learning Landscapes, Next Generation Learners

Special issue call for papers from Reference Services Review

Submissions welcome!

Reference Services Review (RSR) is seeking authors to write on the theme of learning landscapes and the new reality. The theme issue – – Volume 39 Number 3, will be published in August  2011. Completed manuscripts will be due by April 1, 2011. Manuscripts are evaluated using a double-blind peer review process. Authors can expect to work on major and/or minor revisions in late April and early May 2011.


The journal is pre-published through Emerald EarlyCite http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/writing/earlycite.htm?PHPSESSID=2rl81bpeu186f25o4og6j29p61

and issues are made available before the official publication date. More details about the journal, including author guidelines are at:  http://www.emeraldinsight.com/rsr.htm


Learning Landscapes encompass the physical and virtual spaces where today’s library users encounter information and learn to use it effectively.


Papers might focus on

         The interplay of physical and virtual learning landscapes and what this means for teaching, reference, collaboration,  and management – new learners, new faculty, and new roles;

         The impact of library/information commons’ spaces on learning, service design and delivery, collections, and library administration – planning, implementation, assessment, re-examination and evolution;

         Research on user expectations, needs and perceptions as next generation users interact with next generation information environments – what do library staff need to know to meet their needs? and

         Other aspects of learning, working and researching at the intersection of place and placelessness where libraries exist in the digital age.


Send expressions of interest, proposals, abstracts or inquiries to: 


Margy MacMillan: MMacMillan@mtroyal.ca


Sarah Barbara Watstein: watsteins@uncw.edu.


Reference Services Review (RSR) is a quarterly, refereed, international journal dedicated to the enrichment of reference knowledge and the advancement of reference and library user services.


RSR covers all aspects of reference and library user services, including reference, instruction, and user service design, delivery, management and assessment;  marketing and communication; user populations; electronic services; virtual reference services; cooperative reference services; existing and emerging technologies and their intersection with service design and delivery; service forecasting; standards, guidelines and best practices;  performance of reference and user services providers; and professional competencies for reference and user services librarians.


RSR prepares its readers to understand key trends and to respond to critical challenges affecting reference functions, instructional services and the information needs of library users.  RSR contributors draw on current research and practice; their own considerable expertise, experience and perspectives; and the expertise of their home communities to identify issues, practices and technologies that are relevant to service design, delivery, management and assessment.


RSR articles include research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, case studies, literature reviews, and reviews of previously published research on a wide number of topics. Commentary, including point/counterpoint articles, is also welcome. Mini theme and theme issues support the more detailed exploration of topics. A diverse mix of authors and contributors enhance the journal’s value, as does an international team of editorial advisors.



Margy MacMillan

Associate Professor/Instruction Librarian

Mount Royal University Library

4825 Mount Royal Gate SW

Calgary, AB T3E 6K6



Sarah Barbara Watstein

University Librarian

William Madison Randall Library

University of North Carolina Wilmington

601 South College Road

Wilmington, NC 28403-5616

Music Reference Services Quarterly

Editors are inviting articles for the Fall and Winter 2010 double issue of Music Reference Services Quarterly, the peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis. The articles should fall within the scope of music librarianship in any of the following categories:

� administration and management
� bibliographic instruction
� collection development
� digital audio delivery
� electronic resources
� facilities
� music librarianship education
� preservation of music materials
� reference services
� cataloging
� bibliographies involving printed music and audio-visual materials

The submission deadline is August 16, 2010. Conference presentations and poster sessions that would be appropriate to expand as a journal article within the scope of Music Reference Services Quarterly are welcome.  No previously published, simultaneously submitted material will be considered. For additional information and a description of the review process, Music Reference Services Quarterly contributor guidelines may be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t792306936~tab=submit~mode=paper_submission_instructions

All papers should be emailed to Ana Dubnjakovic (ana@vt.edu) and Michelle Hahn (mhahn@mail.smu.edu).