Tag Archives: non-print

24th Annual All-University Conference on the Advancement of Women in Higher Education

The 24th Annual All-University Conference on the Advancement of Women in
Higher Education at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, invites
submission of papers, projects, posters, artistic works, and
works-in-progress that highlight research by women and/or about women’s
or gendered issues. Submissions from all fields of study are invited.
The conference will be held on February 29, 2008. Invited speakers
include Dr. Alice Hogan, National Science Foundation, and Dr. Kimberlee
Kearfott, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan.
Registration is required of all presenters: the fee is $10 for students
and $45 for faculty, staff, administrators, and professionals, and lunch
is included with paid registration. Proposals should include a cover
page with name and contact information, an abstract not exceeding 100
words, and a summary of 1000 words, sent as an attachment via e-mail to
all.university.conference@ttu.edu; type “WS Submission” in the subject
line. Cash awards for best student papers. Deadline for submissions is
January 14, 2008. If you have questions, please contact Texas Tech’s
Women’s Studies Program, 806-742-4335.


Thanks to all who sent me suggestions of YouTube videos for inclusion in WAVE: WOMEN’S AUDIOVISUALS IN ENGLISH database maintained by my office (mounted at http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WAVE). Some suggestions came in after I sent a combined list last week, and I’ve appended those below. But my main reason for this posting is that we would like to publish a round-up of reports about how instructors are using YouTube (and other short videos) in women’s studies classes in our periodical FEMINIST COLLECTIONS: A QUARTERLY OF WOMEN’S STUDIES RESOURCES. We would be interested in write-ups about exercises analyzing/critiquing videos, etc. Librarians are also encouraged to submit proposals if they use women-focused YouTube videos or clips when doing bibliographic instruction, for women’s studies or other classes.

Submissions should be up to 500
words, with a due date of March 1, 2008. If you are interested, please email me (pweisbard@library.wisc.edu) outlining your proposed submission. For an idea of what we’re looking for, see another round-up we’ve published on use of new technologies in women’s studies classes, “Blogging Women’s Studies,” at http://womenst.library.wisc.edu/fc/BlogRoundup.pdf. Our next issue (v. 28, no. 4, Summer-Fall 2007) will include a round-up on social networking.

Here are the additional YouTube suggestions received (and it’s fine to send me more at ANY time…):

Guerrilla Girls On Tour has two short videos on You Tube. One is entitled “Feminists Are Funny” and is also the opening of our performance by the same name:

The other is a video of the first Women’s Arts International Festival that we were a part of in Kendall, UK last May:
