Monthly Archives: April 2020

All Staff Conference postponed

By: Angel Peterson

Community • Connection • Collaboration

We hope this post finds you doing well and staying healthy. Now, more than ever, we want to prioritize the importance of community.

The All Staff Conference would like to announce that due to Covid-19 and the remote learning environment that we find ourselves in, we are postponing the All Staff Conference until June 2021. The committee continues to prepare for this future event.

The Nittany Lion Inn took care of cancelling all room reservations for our block. You don’t need to do anything else.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the planning committee at

Tech Tip: Getting audience feedback during your meeting

Wanting to know whether the audiences are ready to move on or if they have any question without asking them to talk over each other, you may consider turning on the Nonverbal Feedback feature in Zoom.  Nonverbal feedback feature allows participants/students to click an icon to provide nonverbal feedback such as Raise Hand, Yes, No, Go Slower, Go Faster, Agree, Disagree, etc.

As a presenter, nonverbal feedback feature allows you to quickly and efficiently receive participants’ feedback without any interruption, especially in large class meetings.

participant panel screenshot for tech tip

To use the feature as a host, you first need to make sure its enabled:

1.Sign into the Zoom web portal and click Settings 

Zoom Settings screenshot for tech tip

  1. Scroll down and verify that the Nonverbal Feedback setting is enabled.

Zoom nonverbal feedback screenshot for tech tip

  1. If the setting is disabled, click the Status toggle to enable it. If a verification dialog displays, choose Turn On to verify the change.

Note: To use Nonverbal Feedback during a meeting, a participant must select the Participants button.

Events: April 27

Spring 2020
Academic calendar information for all campuses is available online.

UPDATE: In light of the University’s March 11 announcement regarding measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic, nonessential events and meetings scheduled at University Libraries locations throughout the spring semester have been canceled, rescheduled or will be offered virtually. 

Earth Archives exhibition posterEXHIBITION: Earth Archives: Stories of Human Impact. To coincide with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Earth Archives explores the intersection of the environment, human activity, and the documentary record. Highlights of the virtual exhibition include representations of varied print, manuscript, and art works that invites the viewer to consider a range of environmental-related topics and will serve as a growing, centralized resource. 


Wednesdays, Apr. 22-June 10, Remote Research Webinar Series. Free webinars to assist Penn State researchers with shifting their research from onsite to offsite. The series highlights various University services and infrastructure to support remote research. All sessions will be held via Zoom. Additional resources for remote research may be found at

Thursdays, Apr. 23-June 4, Research Data Skills for Graduate Students. Learn more about and improve skills in the areas of data management, data analysis, data visualization and data publishing. in collaboration with the Institutes of Energy and the Environment, the free virtual seminars highlight essential data skills that graduate students can utilize throughout the research data life cycle.All sessions begin at 3 p.m. Advance registration is required.  

Thursday, Apr. 23, Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop. An overview of data analytics and some commonly used software tools for demonstrating data analysis and visualization based on a sample data set. Download a free version of SQL Server 2014 Express before the workshop. Advance registration is recommended. 2-3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Please submit event information — and all Library News submissions — to Public Relations and Marketing via its Staff Site request form and selecting the “Library News blog article” button.

MS Power BI workshop to be offered via Zoom on April 23

By: Xuying Xin

Join the University Libraries’ Research Informatics and Publishing department for a workshop highlighting data analytics and visualization using MS Power BI, free to all Penn State
faculty, staff, and students. All workshops will be held online only via Zoom.

• Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop — Thursday, April 23, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
via Zoom:

The session is designed to provide an overview of data analytics, as well as explore some commonly used tools in MS Power BI for demonstrating data analysis and visualization based on a sample data set. Please download a free version of MS Power BI Desktop on a Windows computer before the workshop for following along the demonstrations. Advance registration is recommended but not required.


Customer Service Tip: How do you really know if you’re doing a good job?

By: Shep Hyken (submitted by Carmen Gass)

I could have titled this article “Box of Donuts Research,” but you would have no idea what that means. I’ll explain in a moment.

There are plenty of ways to get feedback. You can survey customers over the phone, via email, in focus groups and more. You can get objective and subjective feedback. You can use tools
such as Net Promoter Score and Customer Effort Score. I could go on and on about the different ways to measure your customer’s feedback. My good friend and speech coach, Patricia Fripp—who happens to be the top speaking coach on the planet to professional speakers and executives—shared a great story about how one business got creative to get the inside scoop on what their customers were saying about them. Read more here.

Tech Tip: How to forward your phone calls while working from home

By: Ryan Johnson

tech tip screenshot

  1. If not on a University network, you will need to log into the VPN.
  2. Go to (You’ll be prompted to log in with your Penn State AccessID and Password.)
  3. Click on Your Phone Settings.
  4. Click on Call Forwarding.
  5. Check the box below your phone extension.
  6. Select from the pull-down or Type the extension or external number to which you want your calls forwarded (just as you would normally dial it from your phone, including the ‘8’ in front of an external number)
  7. Click on Save.

To turn it back off:

  1. Perform steps 1-3 immediately above.
  2. Uncheck the box below your phone extension.
  3. Click on [Save].

Events: April 20

Spring 2020
Academic calendar information for all campuses is available online.

UPDATE: In light of the University’s March 11 announcement regarding measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic, nonessential events and meetings scheduled at University Libraries locations throughout the spring semester have been canceled, rescheduled or will be offered virtually. 

Earth Archives exhibition posterEXHIBITION: COMING SOON —  Wednesday, Apr. 22, Earth Archives: Stories of Human Impact. To coincide with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Earth Archives explores the intersection of the environment, human activity, and the documentary record. Highlights of the virtual exhibition include representations of varied print, manuscript, and art works that invites the viewer to consider a range of environmental-related topics and will serve as a growing, centralized resource. 


ZOOM ONLY — Monday, Apr. 20, Spring 2020 Scholarly Communications and Copyright Workshops. An expanded offering of Copyright and Open Access virtual training offerings is now available. Click on the link above for registration information.

Wednesdays, Apr. 22-June 10, Remote Research Webinar Series. Free webinars to assist Penn State researchers with shifting their research from onsite to offsite. The series highlights various University services and infrastructure to support remote research. All sessions will be held via Zoom. Additional resources for remote research may be found at

Thursdays, Apr. 23-June 4, Research Data Skills for Graduate Students. Learn more about and improve skills in the areas of data management, data analysis, data visualization and data publishing. in collaboration with the Institutes of Energy and the Environment, the free virtual seminars highlight essential data skills that graduate students can utilize throughout the research data life cycle.All sessions begin at 3 p.m. Advance registration is required.  

Thursday, Apr. 23, Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop. An overview of data analytics and some commonly used software tools for demonstrating data analysis and visualization based on a sample data set. Download a free version of SQL Server 2014 Express before the workshop. Advance registration is recommended. 2-3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Please submit event information — and all Library News submissions — to Public Relations and Marketing via its Staff Site request form and selecting the “Library News blog article” button.

Getting to Know You: Emma Beaver

By: Gale Biddle

There’s a saying that goes, “you only get one chance to make an impression.” Imagine losing track of time on the day of your interview with Emma Beaver, Head Librarian at Penn State
Fayette, and being over fifteen minutes late to call her. Definitely not the impression I wanted to make! Thankfully for me, Emma is incredibly kind and understanding. We rescheduled and
ended up having a fantastic conversation, and now you get the chance to meet Emma.

Emma Beaver bio picEmma grew up with two older brothers in Clymer, Pennsylvania. It’s a town with one stoplight, seven churches, and the best Italian restaurant, Luigi’s. Small town life has its perks, but Emma always wanted to get out of her hometown. She went to West Virginia for her undergraduate degree and then moved to New York City for five years. While living in New York City, she waited
tables, bartended, and worked in sales. She’s also worked in a supermarket at the register, deli, and bakery. After moving back home for graduate school, Emma had every intention to get the degree and go on to another adventure.

However, life has a way of changing plans. As she was tucking her nephew in one night, he said, “Auntie Em, you’re my best friend. I love you.” Those words changed everything, and she decided to stay closer to home. Emma became a director for a public library for three and a half
years after she graduated. She loved the job but admits, “it was a battlefield.” This led her to Penn State Fayette, where she’s been the Head Librarian since December 9, 2019. In the short time that she’s been part of the Penn State family, Emma has found it to be incredibly welcoming. Both the small campus and the larger Penn State community have provided her with the help and support she’s needed. She says that her “coworkers are kind and nice, and it makes it easy to come to work.”

If you love “old school” music, you will be in good company with Emma. In her free time, you can find her listening to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Harry Chapin, and John Denver. And she’s an unapologetic fan of the singer Meatloaf. She’s also a lifetime Girl Scout member. Emma lives with her husband, Brandon, and their rescue dog, Spike, and rescue cat, Flea (not named after the bassist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers). Reading, hiking, teaching herself the ukulele, and trying to become a better, more sustainable gardener are some of her other hobbies.

Emma certainly makes a wonderful impression. We’re all very happy to have you as part of the Penn State family, Emma. And no matter what your husband says, a picture of a sweaty Meatloaf is absolutely perfect for the dining room!

Ten Random Questions with Emma Beaver
1. Favorite smell? Lilacs, Grandma’s house, and pine
2. There are two types of people in this world. What are those two types? People who love and look forward to Christmas and those people who loathe it (Emma loves it!)
3. When is the most inappropriate time you broke out in laughter? In church with her mom
4. What is the cutest animal? Baby gorilla
5. What is the best compliment you ever received? When her sister-in-law said she is a really great aunt and when a complete stranger said she was viciously pretty (Emma feels shallow
choosing this example but it was the verbiage that impressed her)
6. What one thing do you really want but can’t afford? Horses
7. Most embarrassing moment? The time her husband convinced her that he brought a fly back to life and she told her family all about it.
8. You have $100 to spend. All your friends are busy. You have a whole day to yourself. What do you do? Buy favorite scotch, new book, and new album
9. What was the last show you binged watched? Outlander
10. Would you rather visit the future or the past? Neither—I would rather go to space

Customer Service Tip: How quickly should you respond to email?

By: Jeff Toister (submitted by Carmen Gass)

One day is too long to respond to email.

A 24 hour response time was acceptable way back in the good old days of dial-up internet. That seems quaint in today’s age of “always on” communication.

A new survey reveals nearly a third of customers expect businesses to respond to emails in …. read more here

Tech Tip: Using the Push to Talk feature in Zoom

By: Ryan Johnson

The Push to Talk feature allows you to remain muted throughout your Zoom meeting and hold down the spacebar when you want to be unmuted and talk.

Enabling Push to Talk

In the Zoom Desktop Client, click your profile picture then click Settings.

Push to Talk screenshot for tech talk

Click the Audio tab.

Push to Talk screen shot 2 for tech tip

Check the option Press and hold SPACE key to temporarily unmute yourself.

Push to Talk screen shot 3 for tech tip

  • This setting is now enabled. You can close the settings.

Using Push to Talk

When you are in a Zoom meeting and you are muted, hold the spacebar when you want to talk and the Zoom window is in focus. Your screen will show a message indicating that you are temporarily unmuted and the microphone will appear green when you talk.

Note: You will not be able to unmute yourself with push to talk if the host has prevented participants from unmuting.

Events: April 13

Spring 2020
Academic calendar information for all campuses is available online.

UPDATE: In light of the University’s March 11 announcement regarding measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic, nonessential events and meetings scheduled at University Libraries locations throughout the spring semester have been canceled, rescheduled or will be offered virtually. 

ZOOM ONLY — Wednesday, Apr. 8- Monday, Apr. 20, Spring 2020 Scholarly Communications and Copyright Workshops. An expanded offering of Copyright and Open Access virtual training offerings is now available. Click on the link above for registration information.
Monday, Apr. 13, Data Science Community Meeting: Mixture models and unsupervised learning. Bring your own coffee and join the discussion featuring Jai Li and Fangcao Xu at10 a.m. via Zoom:
Thursday, Apr. 23, Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop. An overview of data analytics and some commonly used software tools for demonstrating data analysis and visualization based on a sample data set. Download a free version of SQL Server 2014 Express before the workshop. Advance registration is recommended. 2-3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Please submit event information — and all Library News submissions — to Public Relations and Marketing via its Staff Site request form and selecting the “Library News blog article” button.

Tech Tip: Reorder your default 2FA Device

Now that you are working at home, you may want to change your default 2FA device to be your cell phone or home phone instead of your work phone.

This tip explains how to make the device you use most often your default device, so you don’t need to select it from the list each time you log in.

Start at the WebAccess Login Screen:

  • Go to, enter your ID and password, and click LOGIN– but don’t authenticate yet.
  • If you have enabled automatic push or phone call, click the blue Cancel button.
  • Before you authenticate, click My Settings & Devices. (On your mobile device, select Settings, then My Settings and Devices.)

2FA screenshot for tech tip 4/6

  1. Authenticate when prompted again.

Next, on the My Settings and Devices screen:

  1. Locate the drop-down list labeled Default Device.

4. Authenticate when prompted again.   Next, on the My Settings and Devices screen:  1. Locate the drop-down list labeled Default Device.

  1. Select the device you want to be the defaultwhen you authenticate, and click Save.
  2. Click Back to Loginto continue logging in to WebAccess.

Customer Service Tip: You shouldn’t have told me that

By: Shep Hyken (submitted by Carmen Gass)

The other day I went out to breakfast with some friends. There were eight of us, so we needed two tables pushed together. The restaurant was crowded. The hostess pointed to a table and said when that party got up, we could have their table and the table next to them, which was empty. It looked like they were almost finished with their breakfast, but we had no idea how
long that might be. Read more here.

Events: April 6

Spring 2020
Academic calendar information for all campuses is available online.

UPDATE: In light of the University’s March 11 announcement regarding measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic, nonessential events and meetings scheduled at University Libraries locations throughout the spring semester have been canceled, rescheduled or will be offered virtually. 

ZOOM ONLY — Wednesday, Apr. 8- Monday, Apr. 20, Spring 2020 Scholarly Communications and Copyright Workshops. An expanded offering of Copyright and Open Access virtual training offerings is now available. Click on the link above for registration information.
CANCELED — Wednesday, April 8, Docunight: Iran Via Documentaries.On the first Wednesday of every month, Docunight features a documentary film about, around, or in Iran, or made Iranians. Free and open to everyone, all films have English subtitles. Co-sponsored by the Iranian Student Association and the University Libraries. 7 p.m. in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.
Thursday, Apr. 9, Student Employee Showcase. VIRTUAL Lighting talks from the Libraries’ Bednar interns, Stelts-Filippelli intern, and other student employees at 1:3-0 p.m. via MediaSite Live, followed by Outstanding Student Employee Awards at 2:45 p.m.
Thursday, Apr. 23, Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop. An overview of data analytics and some commonly used software tools for demonstrating data analysis and visualization based on a sample data set. Download a free version of SQL Server 2014 Express before the workshop. Advance registration is recommended. 2-3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Please submit event information — and all Library News submissions — to Public Relations and Marketing via its Staff Site request form and selecting the “Library News blog article” button.