by Lauren Perrotti

June 1st, where did you come from!? It’s hard to believe that the whole month of May has come and gone, but it’s no surprise the time flew by. Researching in Granada has been wonderful and very productive!

With one month left to go here at the Universidad de Granada, it’s great to report that we are on track with our research and everything is going well. We finished the first round of participants and have already begun round two, using an experiment with another set of controls.

The work environment here is laid back and hands-off, which is exactly perfect for me. It has allowed me to set my own pace and be extremely productive. While there may not be a lot of room here for all the researchers, we all manage to work well together and get everything accomplished.

Even the participants have been great. They have been eager to help us and interested in helping our friends.

Working with the new EyeLink 1000 has been super easy. Our very own Jason Gullifer helped us get set up on the new equipment. I have recently developed a familiarization task for the experiment as well.

I am very proud of the work we’ve been doing and I feel good about where we are in the research process. It is getting increasingly difficult now to get more participants since exams are occurring in these last few days of their semester, but I think we’ll be plenty busy the rest of this week and next.

It is hard to imagine that we are halfway through with this rewarding experience, but I’m looking forward to finishing up strong.